LG Mockup #1

Posted by Alert Games on May 28, 2012, 7:49 p.m.

This was done rather quickly so it may look a little sloppy, but the point is to demonstrate the concept site:

For those who dont know:


-Friends Lists

-Highscores & Achievements

- open API (after beta)

Of course it will need a bit of graphical work and a few minor changes, but this seems like it would be a pretty good design. The player feed for unregistered users would be a video to hype up the site and quickly tell you what its about.

But that brings me to my main point of why I bring this up. I have a busy summer this year with a full time job, online class, and doing some API work. So I decided that to make this happen I may just need a person or two, if you are intersted with this project, to help with the designing of the page. The PHP is pretty much already done (kinda awfully) in alert games, so that doesn't need too much work.

Anyway, email me, PM me, IM me, whichever if you are interested in making this community for playing multiplayer, highscore, achivement inde games that you can make.

IN other news

I hacked together drivers and such to use the kinect that my ex gave back to me to work as a webcam. Yay! Does cool things like infrared and stuff too, though everything is hush hush and only a SDK with a few samples is out to mess with which I wont be. They didn't even want it on PC for some reason… ah well.


Mairu 12 years, 7 months ago

I can do so basic HTML and CSS, but I don't know anything about PHP.

JuurianChi 12 years, 7 months ago

I can do some Html, CSS, PHP, Jquery, and sql.

But I'm getting swamped.

Alert Games 12 years, 7 months ago

Yeah I have a full time job, online class, going to learn guitar (finally), and working on the API.

So basically I'm gonna need some help from people to make this all possible. I have a list of people I want to ask who are pretty good at their stuff.

@Mairu: Sorry 'basic' html and css probably needs a little more experience to get what needs to be done quickly. But if you want to prove me wrong you can show me some works.

duckman 12 years, 7 months ago

I read ThaT TiTle as "Live Green or Die". I musT be high.

Alert Games 12 years, 7 months ago

@duck: Yes. But thanks for telling me that people that are high might get the name wrong

Mairu 12 years, 7 months ago

I didn't really think you'd consider me, so don't worry about it. =P