Well,is just a Google Page,but it has news,resources,special events,extras(coming tomorrow),forum,some info about me and of course, my games.
I don't know if I'm allowed to promote myself here but if you want to check it out here is the link:http://alexitron.games.googlepages.com/homeThere is a small contest going on now.The Make your own Jet Pod contest.The resources from the game are provided.Is the first contest and the price is very modest but I hope some people join at least for the fun of it.Well,pretty much thats it.Alexitrón
Looks good. Only thing I don't like is the boxed links =\
Esta bien, pero los links se verían mejor si no tuvieran ese fondo negro ni el subrayado.
The site is actually okay for a Google Pages site, but you might want to find something different to do with the links (the background on them isn't all that great). Good work :).
de web…. and I do agree with josea about the black font.
I can't do nothing about the black fonts on the links,is a default thing,I'm sorry.I can change the color though,I'll try that.Thanks for the feedback.
BTW:I just added the new Extra Stuff page.No pudo hacer nada con los fondos negros de los links.Vienen asi por default.Lo siento.Pero creo que les puedo cambiar el color,lo voy a intentar.Gracias por los comentarios.Nota:Acabo de añadir la nueva pagina Extra Stuff.De verdad que no puedo hacer nada con esos fondos negros.Voy a chequear el Help a ver si ahi algo.Gracias por visitar el site.
I really can't do anything about those boxed links.I'm going to check on the help files to see if there is anything about it.Thanks for visiting the site.Joined your forum, my friend. :D It seems to be that I'm the only one that has >.> Oh well.