Frosty Four Digits - Purianite's reviews

Posted by Amarin on Jan. 10, 2012, 11:56 p.m.

(Be sure to play my game!)

Here are my reviews for this batch of games for Frosty Four Digits. A lot better overall than Scary Four Digits, I must say.

Frozen - JID and colseed

+ Great art style

+ Good visual effects

+ Ambience was excellent

+ Boss battle was interesting

- Normal move speed is extremely sluggish and frustratingly slow

- Those red wood plank things flying at me were pretty lame considering how the slow motion threw off my aim, contradictory to what most slow motion stuff does

- In slow motion, my gun fired places I didn't aim it at

- Shooting that piece of wood down to make a ramp? That seems a bit unrealistic and would be the last thing I'd think of doing (I like to save my ammo for enemies, I don't know how much I'll be up against if I've never played the game before)

- 49 MB for all that? Rather bloated if you ask me.

Epic Christmas - Mega

+ Megaman influences, even has some of its tight design

+ AI and enemy placement are good

+ Not afraid to have a high difficulty level

+ Proper quality chiptunes

+ Funny basic plot

=First boss was well-thought out, but my friend found a safe spot where jumping was all he needed to do, and it'd have been much more reasonable if snowballs had no trajectory

=Trajectory isn't exactly intuitive and seemed clunky at first, but I started to like it, despite the fact it doesn't quite fit in a Megaman clone

-X to jump, V to shoot? That's bad for reaction time. Why V and not Z or C?

-Able to snipe enemies (especially early on) outside of their line of sight, making stages considerably less challenging

-2nd level, bunnies got caught on the sides of ledges

-Downward shot is really only useful for one yellow snowman in level 2, useless for everything else

-The final battle against Santa is easier than the first boss

Super Snowball Fighters - Daggerhog

+ Nice and simple, just plain fun

+ Chiptunes that don't suck

+ Good character design

- AI isn't very good

- After you hit someone, camping their position after being knocked down is relatively easy

- With the exception of the final round, it's too easy

- Environments and menus are extremely bland

Surrounded with White - sirXemic

+ Aside from the pool of red, it was pleasing to the eyes

+ Great atmosphere


- Inverted mouse by default? What?

- I got eaten by a red blob, and managed to escape. From then on out, I moved without the mouse

- There really isn't much to do, and some of those later hills that you can climb are ridiculously high.

Eternal Winter: The Spirit Breaker - Qwilderwibben

+ Simple concept, not too boring

+ Somehow managed to have a story

- No scoring system? I'm sure you could add one in.

- Mouse tracking fails sometimes in the second room

Jared the Friendly Pumpkin: Christmas Edition - Stevenup7002


Transition - Flashback

+ I was able to play it on my Android tablet.

- There really isn't much to do.

Ogres & Elves - Iasper

+ Very short learning curve for a fun game. For a strategy game, it's relatively easy to know what you're doing.

+ Unit upgrades find their way into the game without complicating anything

- Ingame money isn't really worth spending on the graphics and music upgrades

- Too easy to stack units and faceroll the enemy

Snowball Commander - Unaligned

= Pretty much a carbon copy of Missile Command, except with one less thing to shoot with. It seems harder than Missile Command, though.

Persistence - Acid

+ Loving the concept

- World seems too barren and devoid of wildlife, and it seems to be your only way of gaining stamina

- Stamina decrease is too fast

- Of course, it's underdeveloped

- How do I make fire? I can't drop a log and strike it. I can't put down the log if I want to make fire?

Deep Freeze - link2x101 and anthonyloprimo

+ Excellent puzzles, you should really expand on this game, because I'd be so excited to see that done.

+ Externally loaded levels (Is that some level editing I see in the future?

- Trapped in a cave and the ladder's frozen, and all you can do is shoot a fireball? It'd be kinda counterproductive if you had to bounce it off all that stuff. You could just walk (or slide) over to the ladder and unfreeze it that way. Come up with a better premise, guys.

- Those last few playable levels are ridiculously easy.

- Bad idea to end a submitted game with an error.

- Undo button WHERE?

The Fall of Sarenta - Kilin

+ Bullet hell! With good patterns.

+ Good story for a short project

+ Best music out of all of the games (even with that Touhou song in there)

+ Channeling mechanic is quite nice

- Jump feels useless when it comes to dodging for the most part

- Jump to dodge low bullets, get hit by ones higher up

- Player hitbox is probably too fat

- Some enemies are a bit too hard to hit because they're either moving too fast or moving constantly (or even teleporting)

- Needing to put up with the latter while dodging bullets, now that's a bit harsh.


Amarin 13 years, 1 month ago

Updated with the review. I really think it has potential.