Xbox One = 359 steps back.

Posted by Amarin on May 21, 2013, 4:16 p.m.

That Xbox reveal was underwhelming to say the least. Used game fee? Forget about it. They're going to see that's a mistake. In fact, during the reveal, Nintendo and Sony saw an increase in their stock value, while Microsoft took something of a fall on theirs.

No backward compatibility, the TV supposedly requires a separate device to do it, and you have to pay a fee to authorize use of a game on another console. If that isn't digging a grave for a console, I don't know what is. I see no reason to not get a PS4 instead, other than the fact that it's not backward compatible either, and I still want a PS3 for a lot of JRPGs I've missed out on. Maybe even the Wii U will go places in a year, and it'll find success, like the 3DS did (I got my 3DS a few months ago, and I absolutely love it).

EDIT: So, that's where all the applause was coming from:

EDIT AGAIN: From a Kaz Hirai parody Twitter account, proof that the PS4 is better.

What are your thoughts on this upcoming generation?


Cesque 11 years, 9 months ago

Reading about fake applause, I watched some of the press conference to see how much it makes me cringe, and it made me cringe a lot. Microsoft events are the worst. Someone dig up Steve Jobs to show them how to do it, because they are sure trying to copy him, but the speakers look like they're talking to the ceiling instead of the audience.

Also, Wii U sales boosted by 875% following the Xbox One reveal on Amazon UK.

Has this strategy ever been employed with a straight face? Flooding the market with a shitty new product to force people to buy the last good one in line? Oh, wait, Windows 8, I guess.

eagly 11 years, 9 months ago

The problem was the cheering came at times when there really wasn't much to cheer about.

"You can use the Xbox to watch TV." *WOLF WHISTLE*


Someone was saying that they should really have been hyping up the multi-tasking stuff a lot more, which I agree with. The guy Skyping whilst watching TV wasn't really the best way of showing it off.

SleepinJohnnyFish 11 years, 9 months ago

"Why is it called the XBox One?"

"Cos 720 is 1"

Visor 11 years, 9 months ago

My face when I heard the presenter say you could use your Xbox to watch TV: