FallenGrid Update
Hello again, 64digits! It's been a while, but seeing as how FallenGrid was primarily a project for the spring comp in its age, I have some news!
I have been working working on this game on and off, and am now finally at the point of where I feel the …I'm back? And Fallengrid news.
Having finished up my college work, I'm back into the game dev scene in force, and working on an update for Fallengrid right now. I need to do more testing and such, but an update in the next couple days is certainly not outside of the realm of possibility.
That …Post-comp dev and plans
I've been working here and there on an update to FallenGrid to put up post-voting period; correcting issues and improving the experience overall. The biggest is properly scaling everything; game difficulty, game graphics, and adding the content that I had originally planned to add. I'll be posting progress screenies and …
Now that it's over...
I've been putting off several college projects that I need to get done over this weekend, so I'm going to be turning my focus towards them. Feedback is tasty, and I'll try to get back to everyone as it goes, but I'm going to be spending every day in focus …
64DSC - Game uploaded!
Uploaded my game. Hope it'll be enough to stand up to the competition. I'm also looking forward to everyone else's submissions, as I'm sure I'll learn something from seeing other's work in action.
#64DSC - final steps
Getting the final steps of completing and polishing my game up. Gonna get a few little menuy things up, and then uploading the game in the next half hour or so. After that I'll work on more content up until the deadline.
#64DSC Game Progress
My project's status is almost "done" for the compo; I have about 50% of the content that I wanted to get done. With college finals coming up, I was unable to get done as much as I wanted. The game is playable, but not as much as I had hoped …