If you're going to bother doing something, do it in style.
I couldn't resist taking some photos with my absolutely terrible cellphone camera (Much worse than Sinistrade's)It only takes at a resolution of 640x480, in JPG format. Anyway: I left my desk in it's used state. If you can't see because of the sheer awesome neon-glow coming from my monitor, I have my set of drawing pencils/pens, a pack of writable DVD's, two flash drives, a couple of AA batteries, a piece of paper I don't know what to do with, two speakers I don't use, and a pencil sharpener.But…At night, my desktop changes (Bad Shop Warning). My XBox 360 controller transforms into the Lich Edition 360 Controller, that piece of paper I don't know what to do with gets burnt to a crisp, and my pencil set disappears. Excuse the terrible editing.
I'm in love with your phone's image compression algorithm.
It makes jpeg files all the more beautiful.<3Also, why does everyone have cleaner desktops than me? Perhaps no one really does any work anymore… That, or there's no time left to play and collect junk on the desk~Hehe. I 'cleaned' my desk a bit. Not much, but a bit. Usually there are a ton of papers in front of the monitor. I also find it amusing how bright my monitor appears in the photo.
It's like, exploded with light.
If I show you my desktop, your brain will explode with sensory overload. Heck, I'll make my next blog an I-Spy event.wuts that 360 controller doing there? =O
anyway yeah really messed up phone quality lol man i wish the camera on my phone didn't randomly glitch out on me =\just goes to a pink screen when i try to take a pic.yeah i was confused by all the people posting pics of their desktop, just who started this trend? =Pnice little set up though, i used to have a much killer set, my basement was AWESOME! had 3 tv's and 2 pc's, every gaming console hooked up to different tv's and a whole wall dedicated to probably a 1000 games lol. had to put shelves up, pretty awesome… good times…I got the 360 controller as a gift. I don't have a 360 though, I just use it for my emulated games. I've got a box at my parents house dedicated to about 500 old PC/Console games I can't/don't want to play right now. I must take a look through them when I move back.