Posted by Astryl on Nov. 19, 2010, 5:20 a.m.

The Rapid Development Competition, which I happen to be running at the moment (I'm nuts).

The competition is held every Saturday at 8PM GMT.

Basically, the rules go as follows:

>You join the #rdc channel on SlashNET.

>You have to use GM7/GM4MAC/GM8

>You have to beat the stuffing out of the YYG entrants if you

do join (Optional, but preferred)

>You get four hours to make a game based on a theme, which changes per-week.

>The winning game gets uploaded to YYG (And 64Digits now).

>You may not use any resources that are pre-made with the exception of the music. You may 'borrow' music from wherever you want.

Also, anybody who is feeling judgmental may judge.

This week's theme is "Electricity".

For the lazy, a direct link to the RDC channel is here.


DesertFox 14 years, 3 months ago

I would do this, only I no longer use GM. :P

Astryl 14 years, 3 months ago

Just grab Lite and try anyway. :3

Unless you've forgetten completely how GM works (Unlikely).

DesertFox 14 years, 3 months ago

I haven't forgotten how GM works, and that is the problem. It's so damn… lacking… in everything… D:

Well, if I can get the gameplay on my Android game running, mebbe I'll do it.