The Rapid Development Competition, which I happen to be running at the moment (I'm nuts).The competition is held every Saturday at 8PM GMT.Basically, the rules go as follows:>You join the #rdc channel on SlashNET. >You have to use GM7/GM4MAC/GM8>You have to beat the stuffing out of the YYG entrants if you do join (Optional, but preferred)>You get four hours to make a game based on a theme, which changes per-week.>The winning game gets uploaded to YYG (And 64Digits now).>You may not use any resources that are pre-made with the exception of the music. You may 'borrow' music from wherever you want. Also, anybody who is feeling judgmental may judge.This week's theme is "Electricity". For the lazy, a direct link to the RDC channel is here.
I would do this, only I no longer use GM. :P
Just grab Lite and try anyway. :3
Unless you've forgetten completely how GM works (Unlikely).I haven't forgotten how GM works, and that is the problem. It's so damn… lacking… in everything… D:
Well, if I can get the gameplay on my Android game running, mebbe I'll do it.