
Posted by Astryl on Jan. 12, 2011, 1:26 a.m.

So, being my major project right now, of which Minecraft++ is merely a stub, Scourge is my second foray into game engine development.

My first 'engine', Epsilon, amounted to no more than some simplified graphics access, buggy Win32 code, and limited WinMM support.

I decided to completely scratch Epsilon and start something new, from the ground up.

Scourge is based on SDL, and I'm coding it to be cross-platform compatible. So far I can compile the code on Linux Kubuntu 9.10 in addition to Windows, so I'm getting somewhere.

Anyway, I have decided, for those of you who really want to see it, you may have a demo repository (With an example program). I use Code::Blocks+MingW32/GCC to compile.

And also, I'm open to suggestions for something I can aim towards making with this.

Link to program (EXE) and source code:

Note: In the example code, remove the call to dresize(640,480,ortho) to allow the 3D functionality to be used.


Cesque 13 years, 8 months ago

So how about that .dll?

Astryl 13 years, 8 months ago

I'll upload it tomorrow. I forgot to today :P