I'm too lazy to type it again, but....

Posted by Astryl on March 24, 2011, 2:11 a.m.

Progress has been made on my game engine. I've already explained it in great length elsewhere (Phrot), so instead of re-typing or copy-pasting, I'm gonna link ya to the two blogs I wrote about it.

Part one about the Engine

Part two about the Engine

Beware, it's a tl;dr for many.

If you tl:dr'd them, fuck you :3

Also, I have this to show off:


Music for one of my Seven Projects (I could swear it was five two days ago <_<)

Also, one of the characters I'm working on:

Mega.tired = true;

World.Give(Mega, Coffee);


JuurianChi 13 years, 5 months ago
