Hydra 1.5.2

Posted by Astryl on Aug. 2, 2011, 2:19 a.m.

Download it.

Now I'm officially entering burnout mode. All bugs are fixed, all the required headers should be included… I think there is one thing I forgot:

If the compiler complains about not finding glist.h, just delete the line #include "glist.h" in the hydra/master.h header.

Also, I included a bunch of examples, and some new functionality: Specifically, my CrunchPAK library that allows you to store game resources in a single file and load them into memory at runtime (Integrates nicely with Hydra and SFML).

Read the .txt documents in the docs folder for installation info etc.


Astryl 13 years, 1 month ago

PS: If anybody has some suggestions for good games to play, I'd like some.