Long Blog (With Photos)

Posted by Astryl on Aug. 10, 2011, 2:30 a.m.

Yesterday, I picked up one of these:

It's old: 1982. An original PC AT Clone :P

The processor is marked with something unthinkable: AMD (And in subscript: © Intel 1982).

And it has an original 300mb HD, a Floppy Drive (The 12 inch variety. Somebody had jammed a CD in there >_>) and 512K of RAM.

It works, except for one thing: The display card. It's faulty. I think it's a dry joint on the board somewhere; otherwise, it POSTs, it makes a noise, and the original B/W screen works.

Here is my own PC, still the same:

Actually, it's just the monitor and some of the desk.

I did NOT add in the lens flare… the sun was just coming up over the edge of my monitor: The worst possible time to do anything that requires sight.

Besides that, I've been working on a game:

And have been crafting and mining:

Behold my home…

So, to end this blog off:


I've been playing it again, regardless of the fact that Bethesda is suing Mojang.

Here's a little narrative:

After a long journey, Mega finally reaches the outskirts of Daggerfall city.

Once there, he made way to a local inn, where a fellow traveler advised the young

warrior to join a guild.

So Mega made his way to the Knights of the Dragon guild
(+1 internets if you saw that one coming)

and took upon himself a quest: To kill a traitor who was hiding in the Hole of Balul.

Mega travelled 7 days and reached his destination, from whence he began his descent into the Hole of Balul.

His first words were: "I HATE SPIDERS", but he continued his perilous path even though the tunnels

were crawling with them.

After two days underground, and finally using the magical spell of '[' several times, Mega found his target,

who was been kept a prisoner by the Orcs.

Mega dispatched the Orcs and the Errant Knight, and spoke these words, oft remembered in history:

"How the hell do I get out of here?". Like many before him, Mega used the spell of '[' again until he was

deposited in a reasonably-near-to-the-entrance location and left.

Upon reaching Daggerfall, Mega visited the Knights of the Dragon headquarters and spoke to the master.

There, he received praise (And nothing else >:{) and decided to try get another quest. It was at this

time that the old man decided to shout something at me: "You! You stole my sapphire! Warriors! Kill!".

So Mega ran, unaware that he was about to be thrown into intrigue and mystery far surpassing the main


To be continued…. when I find the real thief, beat her up and return victorious. Until then, I'm being chased

down by Knights. Woot!


Quietus 13 years, 5 months ago

your game looks freaking awesome. i like how you just casually throw it into the middle of all this.

i've never played Daggerfall but yea minecraft! lol

Astryl 13 years, 5 months ago

Nothing better than a casual reveal.

I've been playing Minecraft with the YogBox mod-pack. <3 the Mystic Ruins.

EDIT: I also anticipate PY and others being utterly disgusted with my desktop. I have Everything, I have ControlPad, I have AutoHotKey, and even then: My desktop turns into a mess. Contrary to the way it looks, it's actually highly organized. My icons are arranged into trees, with my Development branch being the largest, and my Documents branch taking second place…

Also, I have so many sub-folders and files (40GB of them) residing on or under my desktop that Windows sometimes freezes while trying to negotiate them.

Astryl 13 years, 5 months ago

Yeah. But probably only a WIP, as usual. The whole game will take a while at the pace I'm working on it: A bit every day, and not much at that.

JuurianChi 13 years, 5 months ago

I already want to play.

(RAGE from withdraw from a game I haven't played yet)