A story

Posted by Astryl on Aug. 13, 2011, 4:01 a.m.

Have one. Excuse my writing skill, I've never actually posted a story on the net before.

The story is about a certain little Daggerfall adventure I befell. Mega died, btw. In Abalore Prison, after I had retrieved the stolen Sapphire.

Chapter One - Firion Starstorm

The story begins with our newly shipwrecked and thrice bitten Eldritch Monk, Firion Starstorm,

who has just emerged from a dungeon;

he has bravely fought off the rats of Privateers Hold, and screamed at a walking

skeleton before knocking it's head off with his sword (Which he threw).

He has been travelling for hours, hoping to find comfortable lodgings.

Finally, he finds a road and asks a passing peasant farmer how far it is to the nearest inn.

"Eh, the Dwarf and Porcupine is just thataways, North, in the town of Gothway Garden. Ye

canna miss it." the man said cheerfully.

Firion scratched his head "The Dwarf and Porcupine? Gothway?"

He looked at the midday sun and was sure that the road was heading east,

"Are you trying to make a fool out of me? I've a good mind to think that

you are trying to mislead me so you can rob me!".

"'ere now, there's no need for ye to be so nasty. I reckon I don't 'ave to try make

a fool out of ye. Now if ye'll excuse me sir."

And with that, the man stalked off, leaving a confused and very angry Firion on the side of the road.

You see, Firion was of gentle upbringin, and had never so much as heard of Dwarves, nor

porcupines. The only 'inn' he knew of was the Fox and Goose, a tavern of sorts in his

home town of Stanford.

"Well, I haven't got time for the likes of him. This road ought to lead somewhere sooner

or later." He grumbled.

It took him two hours to realize that, whether he liked it or not, he was heading

North just as the peasant had told him. By the time he had passed the first sign that read

'Gothway Garden' he regretted his harsh words to the man from earlier. "I must remember to

watch my mouth" he muttered, "and if I see that man again, I might apologize… though he did

say I'm a fool.".

Chapter Two - Gothway Garden

Gothway Garden was a fairly large town, by Firion's standards. It had two taverns, and four

general stores. "Talk about competition."

Firion sauntered over to the nearest store and went inside. "Good day, sir," he said, in passing,

to the shopkeeper, "just browsing."

The shopkeeper, a thin man with a withered beard that might have been brown, eyed Firion

suspiciously, until his gaze fell upon the sword he carried. "You a warrior?" he asked.

"Excuse me?"

"I said: Are you a warrior?" The shopkeeper folded his arms.

"Er.. In a manner of speaking. I've killed a walking skeleton if that counts…"

"Oh, that'll do. You see, I've been having trouble as of late. I want to fetch my wife Elzray

from the city of Daggerfall, but all these monsters of late… also, there's a group of evil

mages who are holding my wife captive. I really want somebody who is a warrior

to escort me to Daggerfall, so I can rescue my wife…" The shopkeeper concluded his speech by

taking a step forward. "Oh, and my name is Gaeldric, and I can pay you 413 coins for your help."

Firion thought on this for a moment. He had plenty coin from that little stash he had discovered

in Privateer's Hold, and he'd had his fill of monsters and long journeys for now…

"Sorry, but…"

"You disappoint me, sir! I'll just find somebody else." The shopkeeper turned his back on Firion.

"I'm really sorry…"

"Go away! I don't talk to the likes of you!"

Now Firion was even more confused… "Touchy lot."

He left the store and headed over to what was apparently The Dwarf and Porcupine. The sign said so anyway.

"I really should apologize to that poor man from earlier… I'll probably never see him again."

Chapter Three - The Fighters Guild

After a decent meal of Venison and a good night's rest, Firion asked the innkeep if there were

any jobs available in town. "Aye, ye may want to ask at the Fighters Guild. They're always takin'

men who can hold a sword".

Firion thanked the man and left. It took him five minutes to realize that he had forgotten to ask

directions. "Crud. I'm really being a lout…"

He asked a woman who was passing him, and she said "What are you playin' at? You're standing right in front of

it!". He got some queer looks from the woman and turned around hastily. "I should have known. Not every building

in town looks like a barracks."

He knocked on the door and entered.

"Hello stranger! Can I help you?" A rather rotund man approached him. "I'm Guild-master Perynak Hearthcroft."

Firion was thinking how well spoken this man sounded, compared to the others he had met, perhaps with the

exception of the innkeeper. "I.. I want to join the guild, sir."

The man laughed. "Of course you can! I see you have brought a sword already! You will make a fine replacement

for Ciorin; poor bloke. He never saw that bear coming." Perynak slapped Firion on the back. "But

I'm sure you'll do better, lad!"

Firion wondered for a moment if the man was joking about bears, but then noticed the real bear-skin rug

underneath his feat. "Err.." Firion started.

"Here you go! Just sign this Guild Contract right here, and I can line up your first quest. Guild members get

access to the dormitory upstairs, and the smithy. Any questions?"

Firion glanced at the contract and made his decision: He took the proferred quill and wrote his name.

Chapter Four - The Quest

After a hard days training, Firion headed up to the dormitory and fell asleep. In the morning, he

saw the Guild Master walking towards him. "Hail Firion! I have a job for you!" He said cheerfully.

"You do? What is it?" Firion asked, surprised the he had found one so quickly.

"Something simple. The local Superior Merchandise Store found a Wereboar in their storage room.

Shouldn't be a problem for your skills. You'll be paid 180 coins when you're done."

"Ah…" Firion thought about a Wereboar, and then thought about his coin, which was rapidly dwindling. "OK. I'll

take the job."

"Good, good. The store is south-east of this building. I'll see you back later then."

Twenty minutes and after asking people for directions several times, he found the store.

He knocked on the door and…

"Oy! I said I don't talk to the likes of ye. Now begone!"

"Oh Crud." Firion sighed. "I'm the one who is here to take care of the Wereboar problem.

May I come inside?" he enquired.

"…" The shopkeeper was silent, but he opened the door and stepped aside. "It's downstairs" he mumbled.

The basement of the store was dark, and Firion didn't like the sounds that were coming from down there.

"Oh well. I can't go back empty-handed." He took the candle next to the doorframe and descended…

and was knocked back by the Wereboar. His sword clattered to the floor, and when he looked up, he saw the

jaws of the creature hovering a little too close to his face for comfort.

It was larger than he had anticipated, nearly the size of a man and with

horns that threatened to disembowel him. "Aaaaaaaaaahhh!" Firion screamed for the second time in three days.

"Get it off! Getitoff! AAHHHHHHHH!" He kicked out and ran to the far corner of the basement.

He hid behind a barrel of pickles and tried to console himself, "No Firion Starstorm, you can't possibly run

away from this… it's just one Wereboar… just a tiny little animal that grew too big…"

His revelry was cut short by the Wereboard tipping the barrel over. It growled menacingly. "Oh Crud". Firion

groped for his dagger, and held it out weakly in front of him. Luckily, and as luck would have it, the Wereboar

tripped on one of the pickled cucumbers that had just been disgorged from the barrel, and fell right into Firion's


Five minutes later, when Firion opened his eyes again, all he saw was blood and fur. "I'm alive!" he shouted, and

pricked himself with his dagger as he tried to sheathe it. "Ow!".

Chapter Five - Treachery

We rejoin our hero two months later, as he has just killed a wild bear that had gotten into a farmer's

house. "Thank ye kindly Firion." the old farmer tipped his hat in respect. "Wish I had some't to give ye, but

I'm a poor man."

"That's alright, sir. The Guild pays me well." Firion said honorably, though untruthfully.

He turned around and valiantly strode back towards town; anybody seeing him now would perchance think him a

hero, a knight, one of those people who strive day and night fighting for justice…

But he still knew he was just an apprentice Eldritch Monk stuck in a low-end low-paying job,

with terrible food and no baths.

At least they let him sleep in the dormitory for free.

He walked back to the Guild, chatting to a few of the townsfolk he had gotten to know during his stay.

"Mornin' sir Firion" an elderly gentleman said as he walked past. "I heard that your Guild master was lookin' for


"Thanks. I'd best hurry then, it may be another job."

Firion picked up his pace and entered the building.

"Ah, Firion, glad to see you! My master, Gortwog, will pay you 427 gold pieces for

a little favor. Are you up for it?" Perynak said.

"Sure. I need the coin." Firion said, shrugging.

"Good. Firion, meet my master." The Guild Master said, and left the room.


Firion started towards the door when something hit him in the back. Something cold and fiery at the same time.


"Let me go!" Firion shouted.

"Now then, no need to kick up a fuss, Firion. I have something special lined up for you."

And with that, a humanoid monster of sorts entered Firion's vision, and cast another spell.

Chapter Six - Hawkcroft hold

When Firion awoke, he found himself lying on a cold stone floor.

"Where am I?" he mumbled.

"Groaaaaarrrrrrnnnn" the Wraith responded.

It is impossible to record what Firion did next, because he himself was not too sure. Besides rendering his

pants in need of a changing, he pulled out his sword and ran for the nearest door.

He slashed at the wraith as he went past and felt a deathly chill creep up his arm. The wraith died, but

Firion's arm was numb. "Blazes and Oblivion!" he shouted. "I'll get that stupid Gortwog AND Perynak when I get out

of here!"

With that, he switched his sword to his left hand, and ran up the stairs with a heroic shout.

Two hours later, Firion emerged from a trapdoor in the underside of a ruined tower, bloodied and bruised.

"I… hate… spiders…". He started stumbling in the direction of the sunset, and stopped at a small

pond to take a drink.

"There, now I feel a little better." he told himself.

Firion stood up, and looked around. To the Northeast he thought he saw some people moving.

It took him a few minutes to get to the road, and to his great relief, there was a man walking in his direction

along it.

"Excuse me! Sir! Please, I need help!"

The lone figure approached, and Firion saw that it was a farmer, or peasant… he thought he recognized him, but

couldn't quite place it.

"Help? Aye, I could help ye. What kind of help were ye lookin' for, young sir? Ye look to be taken care of already."

Firion fought back his anger. "It's not funny… please help. I need to get back to Gothway Garden!"

"Oh do ye now! I reckon I can help ye with that!" and with that, the man stepped forward and stabbed

Firion with a dagger he had drawn from his belt.

"Yes.. A nice ol' unmarked gravestone in the Gothway Garden Cemetery ought

to suit ye fine, lad." He drew back…

"What… what did I ever do to you?" Firion spluttered, and nearly screamed when he coughed up blood.

"Ye don't remember? Ye called me an idiot, said I was takin' ye for a fool. Ye called me

a thief, and that can't be forgiven."

"But I was going to apologize! I swear!" Firion pleaded.

"Aye, sure ye were." and with that, the man walked off.


Firion Starstorm's body was never found, and so yet another warrior fell to the unforgiving world

of Tamriel…

Ending notes

Well, that's what I call an unexpected, yet ironic, ending to a story.

Firion survived Hawkcroft Hold, which was full of Wraiths, Ghosts and Mummies (Not to mention giant spiders),

and he gets killed by an old man.

Now, this story is based on a personal experience I had recently in Daggerfall, when my Eldritch Monk

(A custom class. Prohibited from all weapons except for expensive swords, and skilled in destructive

magic) was betrayed by the Gothway Garden Guild Master. I escaped the dungeon, only to be killed by

a Burglar on the road back to Gothway. Not quite the old man, but I needed some added drama.

The way that people react to your words and actions in Daggerfall always amused me. People are touchy.

For instance, the shopkeeper incident actually happened almost exactly as I told it (He refused to speak

to me. He would let me buy stuff though).

So, being bored and feeling like writing something, I wrote this.

It's not the first time I've written fiction, though it is the first time I'm showing

my writing to anybody.

Forgive me for my writing style if it offends you, internet. I tried.

About Daggerfall

Full name: The Elder Scrolls 2 : Daggerfall

It's Bethesda's second entry into the series, and they released it for free a few years ago.

If you feel like a fun, though challenging experience, try it.


Short description: Stuff happened. Character Died. Wrote Story.
