South African Game Development Scene

Posted by Astryl on Sept. 17, 2011, 2:40 a.m.

Two links. (Magazines) (Front-page article)


And to fill out the blog a bit:

Being so far South, you'd think that South Africa was relatively dry when it comes to game development. Well, interestingly enough, we have some pretty decent developers (Luma, for instance) and a ton of communities.

I actually didn't know until recently, because YoYo Games Blinded me, then 64digits (not that I mind that too much.)


F1ak3r 13 years, 4 months ago

I take it you don't buy the NAG magazine. A lot of the South African indie dev stuff started with a copy of GM on the cover disc and a bunch of their forumites, back in 2005 sometime.

The scene's produced some pretty top-notch stuff - Nandrew's Desktop Dungeons is probably the most triumphant example. I got into GM and gamedevvery because of the aforementioned copy of GM on the cover disc (February 2005), but I was never really a big part of the community. I did post my games in their forums though - pretty great place for getting good feedback.

F1ak3r 13 years, 4 months ago

Also DevMag is pretty good stuff; haven't been following it lately, but I read most of the articles back in the PDF days.

Astryl 13 years, 4 months ago

I do buy NAG. Have about 40 issues, including the one with GM on it. I just never tried any of the suggested sites before :P

F1ak3r 13 years, 4 months ago

Heh. I haven't bought it in recent years, what with the Internet and all.