Thank you internet

Posted by Astryl on Oct. 27, 2011, 4:53 a.m.

Whew. I finished my comp entry, only to discover that my home-connection has run out of data for the month (We only get 1GB).

So I'm posting this from the local library.

Anyway, I've got trouble now. And it's all thanks to YoYoGames, which can be described in the following way:

> Pointless

> Oratory

> Nonsensational

> Idiotic

> Eccentric

> Subversive

…I'm waiting for a certain show to be aired on local TV. Damned Internet.

Well, that aside, I thought of an amusing point last night. You see, my first thought when I finish a project is to relax. So I thought "How do I relax?". The answer hit me in the face with it's raw irony: I work. >.<

That is, I continue as normal, programming, learning, spriting, composing; and this the same activities that 'tire me out' when I'm working on a larger project.

The only difference is in mindset. Basically, if I know I have a deadline, I get tired out. If I don't, it's relaxing even though I work just as fast.

Some old games

So, I was going through my old backups (Some from 2005), which held some other backups from the days of the 4.5 inch floppy, and was pleasantly surprised to find a lot of old games that I used to enjoy. Here's a short list:

> Duke Nukem 3D Atomic Edition

> Commander Keen 1, 3 and 4

> Biomenace

> Settlers 2

> Transport Tycoon Deluxe

> Rayman (DOS version).

Rayman for DOS is exactly the same as the PSX version, by the way :P

Now, DOSBox likes these games, and will play them. But a few of the other games (Commander Keen 1, Dungeon Master 2) refuse to work on DOSBox.

Duke Nukem 3D was crashing a lot, but I had the solution to that: The DN3D High Resolution Pack and EDuke32. It basically… makes the game more awesome? 3D Models, realtime shadows, AA, etc. No bloom, thankfully.

I also found a ton of 80's era music on the one disc. Genesis, Europe, etc. I just realized that a lot of those old artists use chip-synthesis; mostly Yamaha FM synthesizers, and some of those old songs are great.

Anyway, now that the comp has ended, I'm going to relax by… carrying on as normal. Or reading the last book in The Wheel of Time series if my library has gotten it yet.


Rob 13 years, 2 months ago

1gb? Holy fucking shit. You could use that up even if you were on 28.8k dial-up. (<4kb/s downloads)

Gift of Death 13 years, 2 months ago

I've never heard that anyone here in Finland had limited amount of data they can transfer per month.

What the hell is that about? ._.

PY 13 years, 2 months ago

1Gb a month?

Shit, I run through that in a few hours sometimes.

Actually, an even worse statistic is that my VPS runs through 8 times that a month, and that only has to maintain an IRC connection and an SSH connection 16 hours a day

sirxemic 13 years, 2 months ago

Your home PC is a smart phone?