Back again.

Posted by Astryl on Nov. 1, 2011, 10:04 a.m.

Well it's the truth. I was away… for a few days :S

Well, my internet connection has been uponiesgraded from 1GB to 8GB ponieser month. Much better. Not ponieserfect, but better.

So, during my time with no international internet access, I've been browsing all the local game development websites (We get 10GB of local data, which only works on local servers.)

Mega denies any claims that he has been trying to bribe FSX to move the 64digits server to South Africa.

And once more, I must say: Our dev-scene is damned good.

Google these games:

- Chase: Hollywood Stunt Driver

- Final Armada

- Desktop Dungeons

- Poniesocket RPG

- Blur

- Mini #37 (Free racing game).

That's just a small list of the awesome that occasionally creeponiess out of this country. Only one GM game in that list.

Here's the interesting bit: All of those are Indie games. They were poniesublished eventually, but had no poniesublisher backing (No caponiesital investment).

Chase was an XBOX game (original, not 360), Final Armada was for the PoniesS2 and PoniesSPonies.

We have massive game-art forums, music communities, poniesrogramming sites; damn, I didn't even know about half of them, because Google always does it's best to give me American sites.You lost the game >:{

By the way, there just so haponiesponiesens to not be a single mention of Ponies in this blog, besides the mandatory one I just used in this poniesaragraph.

Nothing confirms a suspicion more than an official denial

So don't go copy-pasting it into notepad or anything. I'd hate to waste your time.

I like hiding messages in plain sight. As for the whole damned Pony issue, I still curse the internet for that. And wait for this video to load. Yes. Nothing amiss here.


Astryl 12 years, 10 months ago

Cyrus, explain the badge. :S

anthonyloprimo 12 years, 10 months ago


Astryl 12 years, 10 months ago


You make me unhappy with your implied unhappiness, :<

Ferret 12 years, 10 months ago

Yay more internets! And yay ponies!

Astryl 12 years, 10 months ago
JuurianChi 12 years, 10 months ago


Great, you got your internet going.

an 8GB cap sucks though.

(Any and all Caps are lame.)

F1ak3r 12 years, 10 months ago

Yay South Africa!

Yay ponies!

Alert Games 12 years, 10 months ago

Internet needs to be better if we are to start video chatting more. I think google is pushing it a little more with connection. Maybe they want to start doing more with their video chat on google+? Probably why facebook added video chat just to be safe.

death 12 years, 10 months ago

i have about 0.7 ~ 1.5 mbps download rate (though i'm paying for a plan that claims 3mbps)

and it claims unlimited too however reading deep into their policy, i only get 150 gb of regular speed (which isn't the advertised speed anyway) than after that i get low-priority speed. i don't know what that is but luckily i haven't found out yet lol.

point being, your not alone with the limits =P but yours is the worst i've heard lol. welcome back for the mean time. i'll check out those games and you need to play the comp entries =P

Rob 12 years, 10 months ago

So don't go copy-pasting it into notepad or anything. I'd hate to waste your time.

Actually I just dragged the text into the comment box. No need to waste time opening notepad or defiling my clipboard with whatever horrors could potentially be hidden in that tiny text.

or I could just look closer at my screen I guess.