First review and a few other things

Posted by Astryl on Nov. 7, 2011, 1:24 a.m.

Well, I've had a busy week. I applied for a game-art job. I impressed the employer with my work, but my notable lack of a BsC in Anything kinda lost the job for me; that, and I don't have any… I dunno? Full-blown works of art?

Oh, here's the review. Almost forgot. I've only downloaded death's game so far, and I intend to try the others ASAP. Let me hide the review to save space:

Shamelessly copy-pasted from a .txt document I typed up on Wednesday last week.

Well, I got around to downloading death's 'The Last Halloween' game. And I enjoyed it.

It started off a bit slowly at first, but surprised me in the first neighbor's house (lol. Conveniently placed gun on the table).

I had a few issues with the game, most notably the slopes and spikes. I got stuck on the slopes often (And took a decent bit of damage too ;_;)

And the spikes in the cave area… snuck up on me? I could barely tell that they were there.

Well, on my first playthrough I got beaten by death (Now why didn't I add a cameo?).

Then, to my utmost disappointment, I managed to survive along with 10 bullets and a bunch of health until death, then… I ran out of ammo (After collecting every bit of the stuff I could find).

The artwork was actually really good, and I liked the texturing done on the walls in the houses; the lighting added a heavier atmosphere to the game.

The music went well with the game's look.

My last gripe is with the controls. They were kinda… difficult. If I held down the DOWN key for too long (Longer than 0.2 of a second) in front of a door, I'd go through the door, and then back again. Sometimes, I'd inexplicably be barelling forward without touching a key after exiting a door.

I'll give a basic rating in four areas: Appearance (includes sound), Gameplay, Theme and Difficulty.


The game reminds me of an old NES platformer I played once, and in a good way. The.. 'style' of the character is a common one among indie platformers, but I liked the bit of perspective that was added while walking.

The level artwork was quite well done, with my only problem being with the spikes in the cave blending in too well with the scenery.

I enjoyed the little details (Like the blood splatters left behind after killing a zombie), and the examinable (useless) objects (toilets).

The music reminded me of the Sega Megadrive, and fit in well with the setting.



The gameplay, being driven by the story as it was, could have been developed a bit more; but considering the amount of time death had to work on the game, I'm not going to nitpick. This is a concept that, given time, could be developed into a great game.

In the end , the gameplay as it is can be resolved into exploring the houses in the neighborhood, and killing the monsters; can't complain there :P



Naturally, the theme, according to the competition rules, is either Halloween or Horror based. This game fit both fairly well, and the environment matches our common horror/halloween stereotypes: Dark corners, Graveyards and Mutant Pumpkins that can pull themselves out of the ground and attack us.



Now, I'm not going to rate the game based on "it's too hard" or "it's too easy", but rather I'll see if it fits into that perfect balance we should all be looking for.

On my first playthrough, I had some trouble with the controls (I'm the kinda guy who likes me jump button on the left hand side of the keyboard), but by the time I played the game for the second time, I was comfortable with the control scheme and managed to get to the final boss with minimal damage (And minimal ammunition).

My primary complaint is the ammunition, and the last corridor before the boss battle. I understand death wanting a 'limited ammo' system, but… let me put it this way. The Vampires in the final corridor all take 4 shots to kill, and I can't just run away (They followed me all the way to the boss room).

So by the time I reached the boss, I had the grand total of 5 bullets left. ;_;

Anyway, I missed the boss with all but one of my shots. I have yet to beat the boss.



Final word

Well, I'm going to go play the next game of my choosing. I'm deliberately trying some of the simpler looking ones first, because by default we tend to go for the 'ooh that looks shiny/polished' ones first.

UPDATE: I finally beat the boss, after saving just before the boss room and conserving 44 bullets. I wasn't actually expecting the attack pattern to change, but it was a good way to throw me off.

Although… the ending kinda… wasn't much of an ending? Oh well. I enjoyed the game, so I keep my final score.

Anyways, I had a fun one-day holiday. Spent the day solving the Rubik's Cube (I have memorized all the algorithms for it), listening to the pitiful 10 songs I managed to fit onto my phone, and ended it off by watching Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. It wasn't too bad, but I'd rather be playing a remake of Final Fantasy VII with graphics like those. >:{

Stuff that. I want a full-blown 3D remake of Chrono Trigger, in HD and as a PC exclusive. But we all know that that's impossible for them because coding for a damned PC is soooo much harder than coding for a damned console. (Actually, it is. Console coding is often straight-forward because of the unified architecture)


No, I'm not digging up dragon/dinosaur bones. Just using a file recovery program on various hard drives (Inluding my own) and having fun poking around old files I forgot I had.

Stuff I found:

- My old Certificate of Insanity from YoYo.

- My first avatar (Zero with shades on)

- A saved page from 64D. One of DesertFox's pages, about C#.

- An embarrassing IRC log (Quite recent. Lot's of !hentai >_>)

- My first game design document and engine design for what was

then known as 'Engine Epsilon', AKA Hydra. The racer was called,

quite originally, 'Epsilon Racer'. [/sarcasm]

- Some old plans of mine for dominating the Asian continent. I have

font memories of this one failing because the authorities at all

the coastal towns I tried in China and Japan refused to let my

ship in shipping containers with the words 'Mecha 002' stenciled

in the side. People are so distrustful these days D:

- Lot's of C++ source code for stuff I don't really need anymore, though the one was interesting (A program called CacheReactor, it

scans the FireFox cache for various file-types and saves them to

a selected folder. Now why didn't I back that one up?)

Of course, this isn't nearly all of the stuff I might have, which is mostly because scrolling through a list of 5 million files is not fun (Since the filenames are missing.)


I've been messing around with it, specifically with Midlets (The kind of Java apps that run on your phone). And I'll continue to lament the fact that manufacturers didn't use a C based application runtime.

Anyway, Midlets are slow compared to… well… even the Gameboy (original).

And I'm referring to games here, by the way; why else would I be wasting my precious time with Java if I wasn't trying to make games?

Luckily for me, I've had experience coding for the GB and GBA before, so I'm used to (crazy) limitations like this.

Character Art

I've designed a new character, which may or may not feature in a game I make at some point in the future.

He doesn't have a name, carries an electric guitar on his back and a Gameboy/PDA/Walkman on his belt and appears to have a 'stuck in the 80s' complex.

Any name suggestions?

I will be demanding cake

Go on IRC, and type in this: !countdown Mega's birthday

Do it, for great justice!

Expected output:

OMGBot: 5 days until Mega's Birthday

You now have this information on the condition that you will do absolutely nothing about it, and will refrain from showering me with gifts or cake. You will resume your normal thought-pattern when I click my fingers.


No, that was my mouse.


sirxemic 12 years, 10 months ago

This is a competition now?

JuurianChi 12 years, 10 months ago

Only when I'm bored.

Astryl 12 years, 10 months ago

Heh. Here, have some South African Advert lols:

F1ak3r 12 years, 10 months ago

Chicken Licken has great ads. Never eaten there, but the ads are amazing.

Kunedon 12 years, 10 months ago

I'd use a Pinkie avatar, but all of the ones I have are either Cupcakes related or nightmare fuel.