Mega has --MORE-- Music

Posted by Astryl on Nov. 28, 2011, 1:26 a.m.


Finished two new tracks last night. Enjoy (Or hate them):



Since my (formerly) favorite chiptune site went down (8bitCollective), I decided to get with the times and start using Soundcloud.

So, basically:

I want you to take a listen

Nice thing about Soundcloud is that nobody will complain if I upload non-chiptune tracks, which I do have (Though in minute quantities).

So, in order to keep this blog decently long:

Creating jRPG systems, 101

Or not. I'm still working on this.

Basically, the first step in creating a good RPG system is figuring out the data structures necessary, and how to store them efficiently.

So far, I'm using arrays for all the player/enemy/item stats, with constants to access indices. So, basically:

st_player[ST_HPMAX] = 900;
st_player[ST_HP] = 500;
// etc.

I'm not using complex data structures for this; know why? I believe in that old maxim of "MAKE GAMES, NOT ENGINES". Which is pretty ironic considering I spent nearly two years making one.

Of course, the system I'm making allows for easy… modification. Basically, it uses a global data structure to set up battles, etc.

Anyway, back to work. Got a lesson on basic data encoding to prepare.


Astryl 12 years, 9 months ago

Eh… thanks. I've been reading some documents on harmonization, and a great manual by Gryzor87. And at the moment I'm still working on scoring some of my own games (The sole reason I started music in the first place). But I guess… I enjoy making music more than I enjoy making games, often. :3

Mega must be stuck in 1992, because that chiptune sounds fucking legit. Thumbs up.
Eternally. Turns out that some of my favorite games were made in 1992.

Cesque 12 years, 9 months ago

Your music makes me want to move by spreading legs and contracting them again, slash pixelated goblins and shoot one bullet on the screen at a time.

Rez 12 years, 9 months ago

Probably one of the worst songs I've ever heard

On opposite day.

I liked it a lot in actuality.

JuurianChi 12 years, 9 months ago

move by spreading legs and contracting them again,
You tease.

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 9 months ago

I couldn't listen because sc mobile doesn't appear to do anything at all.


Anyway, why is the array parameter the stat itself? That seems like an odd way of doing things to me.

Ferret 12 years, 9 months ago

Really like the song Mega :D

Astryl 12 years, 9 months ago

Anyway, why is the array parameter the stat itself? That seems like an odd way of doing things to me.
No, the parameter is an constant. It means that instead of typing st_player[3] to access the MP stat, I can use ST_MP.