I have lots of fans..

Posted by Astryl on Dec. 5, 2011, 1:36 a.m.

Yup. No lie. Small fans, big fans; I need to keep my setup cool somehow. >:3

Problem for me is, I've spent to much time making sure my (two) computers are running

at an optimal temperature that I forgot about myself. And damn did I feel it today.

40 degrees celsius is not conducive to effective programming. Or gaming. Or doing anything.

So I'm going to do what I should have done earlier on in the year: Buy myself a desk fan,

because I can't afford Air Conditioning.

Now then, have a picture of my desktop

1360x768 screenshot. What's the thumbnail BBCode?

Believe it or not, it's organized. PY might disagree, but I still have that tree-structure going on,

in a way that is logical to me.

I still access all my programs and most of my folders via ControlPad, and almost all of my other files

with Everything.

Of interest are those two folders with the word 'lesson' in them. Specifically the pixel-art one.

I'm teaching my brother and sister the basics of pixel art, and the creation of art for games.

Needless to say, that's keeping me busy…

Mega's releasing an… album… of sorts

It's those three songs I made before, plus another 3 new ones that nobody on the net has heard before.

Still, six songs doesn't really make up an album in the traditional sense of the term, so

compilation is more accurate.

I'm basically going to release the songs in a zip, with a piece of cover art I created for them; and an

NSF containing the tracks. Still dunno why I'm bothering though.

This weekend's gaming

Believe it or not, I actually spent time playing games this weekend (Mostly due to the heat).

First of all, I played (and finished) Quake 1. Good old game that; fast paced action, not

realistic at all. Now I want to get my hands on Quake 2 (Loved that one. Can't say the same

for 3 or 4 though).

After completely wiping out the Army of Quake, I moved on to Civilization IV, which I also enjoy

in my spare time. I play as the Vikings most often.

VIKING FACTS: Did you know that…

> The Vikings invented the ICBM?

> The Vikings are the leaders of the United Nations?

> The Vikings were the first nation to reach space?

Also, the British founded Hinduism, the Americans built the pyramids and the Mayan empire invented Rock 'n Roll.

Love it.

Me playing as the Vikings has nothing whatsoever to do with my secret yearning for Skyrim… nope. Not at all.

Finally, I played this interesting fan-made NES game: D-Pad Hero 2. And finished it on Expert mode with my trusty

XBox 360 controller. Now you can envision how completely bored I have been (Just try doing anything creative

when you're sitting in a hotbox. Not easy).



I'm about to start playing Daggerfall again, after installing it today. Once again, this has nothing to do with Skyrim…. *innocent face*.


Remember the desk fan I mentioned earlier? Well, I'm going to have to use the money I was saving for Skyrim to get it. Each time I see Skyrim screenshots, my desire to find work increases. And the more I try to find work, the less work there seems to be (Interview count from 2009 to present day: 0).

Well, it's been a horribly hot day, and since I spent most of it playing Civ in a half-asleep state, I may as well stay awake and do something useful now.

And I leave you with another gem of South African fast-food advertising. One that you will be able to understand if you have been following any news to speak of in the past decade.

Oh, and it was banned from our TV networks for being 'politically insensitive'.

Note: You won't recognize the white guy on the swings. He was one of South Africa's last Dictators. Can't tell which one.


S3xySeele 12 years, 9 months ago

Daggerfall is awful.

Astryl 12 years, 9 months ago

Daggerfall is awful.
Daggerfall was a classic. But yes, it's awful. I want Morrowind back again, which isn't nearly as awful.

No. Damn that. I want Skyrim. ;_;

F1ak3r 12 years, 9 months ago

Oh wow, that advert's great. Nando's makes amazing ads, even though a lot of them seem to end up getting banned.

death 12 years, 9 months ago

you need to bring the dragon avatar back =P

as for fans, i had 3 in my room but they took up too much space so i threw 2 of them out hahahahaa xD

but no i do feel bad. intense heat is irritating. i get very angry if i'm in high heat. if you got a paypal i would donate some monehs for your fan funding lol.

Astryl 12 years, 9 months ago

Oh wow, that advert's great. Nando's makes amazing ads, even though a lot of them seem to end up getting banned.

Which just ends up working better for them, because more people watch them when they're banned.