I promised a doc about AI, so here we go: http://phrot.com/b/212
So one may be wondering what the title's about? Simple. It's a simple truth. Santa is a douche. :PIn my game, anyways. I've figured out the intro plot for my game (Along with it's music), but I'm not going to give spoilers. Anyway, I've finished another enemy for my game, as well as the final level's tileset. I think I might just be able to finish this.Other stuff going onNothing. Which bothers me. I have to try finish my Megaman clone game before New Year's, so I can clear my projects folder and start on a clean slate next year. And so far I've done NOTHING on it. Argh.Anyway, I'm off to continue my game. *yawn*Mega was up 'til 2AM last night, and still woke up at 6AM.
Oh yeah. Have a sample of the music from the game:
http://soundcloud.com/mega1992/epic-christmas-factoryUber n00b at retro music (good at real music). How do you make that shit?? Samples or what??
n00b i didn't sleep until like 4am last night. not even working on a game, i was working on a manual to my game xD
EDIT: wow really nice track. this is the best track i've heard from you so far. nice work =D