Non-obligatory unfashionable Christmas blog

Posted by Astryl on Dec. 26, 2011, 2:04 a.m.

*steals titles, reverses*

So, I'm bored stiff since all the major prep-work for todays lunch was done yesterday. Yay. So I'm writing a log today about what's going on because I'm bored and trying to keep certain gory images out of my head cupcakes.

Anyway. My first 'gift' came from Anonymous yesterday in the form of cupcakes.docx. Damn that was messed up; I was having nightmares No pun intended at all all night and could barely sleep. Woke up this morning and felt a bit better.

I got R200 (About $30, give or take a dollar here or their) which I added to my birthday money I was saving up; now I'm considering getting Starcraft 2 or that cheap Graphics tablet that was on sale at my local Walmart/Game (Yeah. Walmart is now in South Africa, after they merged/bought out our local equivalent: Game. Better prices now).

My other gift unsettled me. Here's a picture:

Not pleasant after reading cupcakes. Not pleasant at all… ;_;

(Not to mention that I don't know what the heck I'm gonna do with it. Good quality steel blade though. Sharp as a scalpel… *shudders*)

It's a conspiracy, I tell you. A CONSPIRACY…

More Christmas Drama later. For now, I must shoot mercenaries in Far Cry 2, which I bought last year and still haven't finished. Owait… haven't finished Far Cry 1 either. OK. That first…

A little while later

Damn I ate too much. ;_;

Quite a bit later

Whew. Recovered. Have vague memories of playing Gundam Battle Assault 2 to entertain younger brother.

Well, I still don't know what to do with that knife. I certainly do know what I'm going to do with my money: Spend it. Forget Starcraft II, I'm not really into the RTS genre that much. I'll probably get Unreal Tournament 3, Bioshock, and then get some new guitar strings (Yeah, I have a guitar; still learning to play it. I can play a MIDI keyboard quite well, and as anybody can tell you I'm an ace on the computer keyboard. 130+ words per minute or something on an average day).

I was reading an interesting book thay my grandmother recommended: A Beautiful Mind by somebody or the other; it's a biography about John Forbes Nash, a mathematician and all-round genius apparently. Oh. And game-theory.

Fascinating. Pity I've got no head for any math besides geometry, linear algebra and trigonometry, contrary to what my parents, teachers and peers thought (Everybody thought I'd eventually get into engineering, or mathematics (pure, probably)).

*glances at knife box*


Now let me go kick Krieger's ass.



firestormx 12 years, 8 months ago


flashback 12 years, 8 months ago

Knives are very useful. You can use them to eat steak! And open things!

DesertFox 12 years, 8 months ago

They made A Beautiful Mind into a movie - its very good and you should watch it too.