64Digits Corporation

Posted by Astryl on Dec. 27, 2011, 8:16 a.m.

It is the year 20XX…

Peace reigns supreme at 64digits corporation.

I can fix that:

64digits. Now home of the kickass original mech.

Rest of 2:50AM blog hidden so I can blog about other stuff without causing a TL;DR

More info

You see, I was getting jealous of all the people on the internet that I know getting tablets for Christmas, so I said to myself "Screw this. I can still draw without a tablet". And I did what you see above in 8 hours and 20 minutes, give or take a few minutes.

You'd be surprised at the amount of detailing I added to this; I suggest saving it and zooming in for a closer look :P

I got the anime style shattering glass just right. <3

The mech itself is an OP of mine. MX03. My third mech. The MX01 was that large dragon one, the MX02 wasn't a giant mecha (It was more of an android). And now, MX03, codenamed BADASS.

Why is there wiring exposed in the knees? Those are some high-powered knee-caps; Capable of generating a shockwave that blasts any approaching enemies to bits. Also, it looks cool.

The cannons mounted on the arm are old favorites. Plasma cannons! They charge up their energy and… stuff blows up!

You can't see the missile pods on the backs of the wings, but you can see the missiles (One blowing up on the left, one taking out the sentry tower in the top-center of the image).

Yes, it can transform into a fighter jet. No, I wasn't thinking Transformers when I did that. I was actually thinking Macross…

Also, note my carefully rendered mountain backdrop, behind all the carnage.

So what does this all mean?

No, I'm not planning to blow 64digits sky-high with a giant mecha. Because:

> I don't know where the server is.

> I don't have a real giant mecha

> I'm kinda attached to the site.

What it means is that, in case you didn't know (And you probably didn't) is that I've always been somewhat of a Robot Otaku. That is, I love watching some very popular Anime series (Gundam, Super Robot Wars Divine Wars, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Macross, etc),

playing games that allow me to beat up less powerful giant mechs with my severely overpowered giant mech (Reference video below. See whole video)

Also, what this means is that I'm getting better at drawing whole scenes instead of mere 'concept' artwork.

Fear the MX03.

OK. Why the heck are you blowing 64digits up?

In the year 200X, the super-company


was founded.

Soon, with their mind-altering code,

laziness generators, kickass exploding pizzas

and furries

They were well on their way to taking over the world.

Mega cared nothing for that. He just wanted to blow stuff


The end.

Whew… It's late… 2:51AM… Imma go to bed…

Other stuff of actual interest

I was playing Far Cry 2 yesterday. I've gotten to the point now where I measure each missions length in Number Of Vehicles (Mis)used. Favorite tactic: Enemies ram into you with jeep. Get out of your vehicle, hide behind rock/tree and throw a grenade under the car. Stupid enemies take cover behind your car, and get launched in all directions.

You then steal the enemy car if it's still intact (Or walk).

Anyway, I'm getting geared up now to start work on my first C++ platformer. I'll probably use the engine I have already (Making frameworks is a big time-waster), and perhaps I'll actually get somewhere with it this time.

I'm going to spend a bit of time making a simple tile-based level editor (Done it before. Piece of cake) and perhaps another resource packer (I have one already, but I enjoy making them).

What game will I make? Probably that Megaman clone game that I was posting images of, but just redone in C++. Means I spend less time on artwork and concepts and more time on coding, which is the whole point of the exercise.

Out of interest, here's that mech of mine without a background, and without all the lighting.

Not bad for six hours (Corrected from 8. I worked from 9PM to nearly 3AM) work with a cheap optical mouse, GIMP and only one cup of coffee.


JuurianChi 12 years, 8 months ago

Taking back the magic that was missing in my childhood.

One pixel at a time.

Astryl 12 years, 8 months ago

Taking back the magic that was missing in my childhood.

One pixel at a time.

death 12 years, 8 months ago

heh i've never been able to draw an original mech but i've done plenty of fan art. Very nice scene though =D

Eva unit-01 12 years, 8 months ago

That brobot pretty much sums up the whole 64D experience.

leemcd56 12 years, 8 months ago


Astryl 12 years, 8 months ago

Started a level editor to use with the platformer. Got an interesting data system based around tiles and objects. Each tile has an attribute (Which is a number that can be interpreted by the game as SOLID, AIR, HURT, etc). Object references and locations are stored at the end of the file.

That brobot pretty much sums up the whole 64D experience.

That's an interesting though…