I'm resolved...

Posted by Astryl on Jan. 2, 2012, 1:16 a.m.

… to stick to my resolutions (That won't get far).

But first things first:


Right. Now, have a quick screenshot of my desktop:

OK? You still with me? Good. Now, the odd thing is that I didn't receive much for Christmas, besides a (decent) bit of money. I also had my money left over from my birthday, and then my uncle visited yesterday and gave me an extra R100 (About $12.50).

Right. So I went to our oddly large mall in the middle of nowhere (Seriously, large town, farmlands, horse farm… BAM! MALL!)

Well, I went to our local variation of Walmart, Game, which is owned by Walmart. And given the name you'd think they'd have some games right? Wrong!

They had literally _no_ PC games. Not counting stupid educational kiddies games.

Of course the Xbox, PS3 and Wii shelves were packed.

So I wandered on over to our equivalent (Or nearest equivalent) to a Gamestop. Musica (Which stocks movies, music and games).

To my delight, I came to the realization that I could afford ANY of the PC games on offer. Even Skyrim.

So it ends like this:

Mega bought Skyrim and went home happy!



I could've bought it. But something put me off: Steam activation. Which means I'd have to install it on my dad's PC which has the ADSL connection, and only get 1 hour a day to play it.

I also almost bought The Witcher: Assassin of Kings (Special Edition), but decided to let it stew in it's own juice for a while (I read a review later, so it seems like a decent enough purchase). So what did I end up buying?


> Starcraft (The original, plus expansion)

> Supreme Commander (Also the original, 2 apparently sucked)

> Transformers: War for Cybertron (I sooo badly wanted this last year.

It cost nearly R400 when it was released. Just over a year later, and

it only cost R60 (About $9).

Moral of the story: Three games not even for the price of one: I spent about R220 on the games, and had R410. Which I summarily spent on a Huntik Trading card starter pack, and a local Gaming magazine called NAG (In which I read the Witcher review, as well as a review on Skyrim, Minecraft, etc).

I would have bought Minecraft, but I can't afford to deposit money in my bank account and then have PayPal deduct it just to link the card. Maybe next month.

I'm actually very happy with the games I got. I loved the old Starcraft game, and especially LAN battles (I'm having one tomorrow with a friend). Also, Supreme Commander. It was recommended to me back in 2007. I bought it last year, but the disc (The only one left on the shelf) had a perfect ring scratched into it (Manufacturing fault). Not so, this time.

Mega's partially unformed opinion on Transformers: War for Cybertron

You know Nostalgia? Yeah. That. I just went into a state of <3 the second I played

the first mission. Starscream running his own orbital base? Pure epicness.

Smashing Autobots with a giant-mace-thingy? More awesomeness. Decepticons with EMP Shotguns/Sniper Rifles/<insert weapon here>? 20% cooler than using the same weapons in Unreal Tournament 3.

OK. I've only played through most of the first mission, but damn, so far so good.

The New Years Party, and Resolutions

We had a small party. Or a 'braai' (Pronounced like Brine, without the 'ne'. Game me an epic idea for a Herobraai T-shirt). That's South African for a barbeque.

My uncle brought along non-alcoholic champagne because we're all non-drinkers here. Don't really like the taste much, still prefer coffee.

Anyway, our annoying neighbors started firing off fireworks at 11:30PM… half an hour early. The cat got a fright, disappeared; I tried blotting out the noise with my headphones and some random music I had on my desktop, and… Nothing else. I was the only one left in my family that was awake at 00:00. 'cause that's still early.

My resolutions this year?

Well, you know one of them. Here's the whole list:

> Stop releasing games made with GM. I need more C++ practice.

> Practice my artistic talents some more (Music, drawing)

> LEARN.. THE… GUITAR… (I have one, I just forget to… remember it).

> Stop dropping in at about 6PM on the 17th of every month just to bother the IRC


> Stop procrastinating.

> Find a job (I've been trying for two years. Need to try harder).

> Get my head around Algebra as a whole instead of merely the basics.

> Try to blog a bit less on this site (I've been noticing a bizzare frequency.

Nearly every two days).

> Try to be helpful for once if I do happen to enter the IRC channel on the 17th

of every month.

Mostly computer related… hmm…

Anyway, on a completely different note, I reinstalled Python (2.7). Why bother saying this? To appease PY.

Also, looked through the Python docs. Awesomeness. Some of those functions are damned useful (especially the socket, OS, File-handling and audio functions. PY, Y U NO TELL ME BEFORE?)

What's best is that the Python code is so easy to read, I can port my favorite functions over to C++ easily. Or the algorithms I create. I see why it can be labeled as functional pseudocode.

Well, F4D is ending tomorrow (When I post this). I almost feel bad for submitting my entry so early. But then again, I feel much more relaxed now.

NOW READ THE BLOG BACKWARDS, shout "Alpha Kenny Body" at the top of your voice and comment on the political situation between Ghana and Cuba.


pounce4evur 12 years, 8 months ago

Yeah, they sell them at Best Buy and CompUSA. At least, that's where I've seen them.