Here I go again...

Posted by Astryl on Feb. 4, 2012, 1:20 a.m.

I can't stop writing blogs for 64digits, but I can't be arsed to write anything for other sites.

That proves a lot.

I know I blogged yesterday, but… I have more stuff to write that I don't just want to tack on to the end of my last blog.

Of music

I've finished a tune for the music comp (Which is still on, right?)

Now I'm giving it a little break, and actually not listening to it for about a week. I never do that usually.

Yesterday, I finally got the feeling that I now know what I'm doing with music, because I can talk circles around other people in the room, they're just sitting there nodding there heads and taking notes. Good feelin' that. (The note-taking part didn't happen though).

Of games

I didn't mention that I picked up Command and Conquer Red Alert 3 from a Pawn shop, in perfect condition. It even came with the manual and poster, unscathed.

And the disc was unscratched.

How much did I pay for it? About $2.

Of games that I make

Yes, I'm starting work on a game again. Something good, I hope. Simple, of course. How does a fast-paced difficult platformer with NES era artwork and real NES music sound to you? If you answered 'Mega', you get +1.

As for that person who asked a while back: "When are you going to start working with higher resolution artwork (16-bit)?": I am. But these things take time on my part, especially to get the animations right.

And finally, of web development

I caved and started learning JavaScript after abhorring the idea for most of my life. I already have PHP under my belt. I've got a LAN service page running on my PC, so when somebody hooks up for a game, they can access my page and perform a variety of simple tasks:

> Create a profile

> Leave messages for other people who connect to my PC

> Upload/Download files

> Listen to chiptune, thanks to FlashNSF

Can't wait to get a bit of server-space online one of these days. Could be fun.
