[MEGA] Fixing time

Posted by Astryl on Feb. 8, 2012, 1:38 a.m.

I.. did something…


Hey, here's another one:

Recent Blogs

Heh. Let's see how this turns out…

That's only the one page though. Somebody borked 90% of the SQL queries, the doc-type was wrong for RSS, and… nevermind. I'll finish the rest tomorrow, now that I know what's wrong.

Question: What length should the entry previews be limited to?

Right. Let me be all businesslike in this blog for once: I have site access.

Now, please divide into two groups. Those screaming and holding tufts of hair in their hands, please stand to the left under the innocuously benign leaning building over there.

As for the rest, I require a list of problems that require fixing.

Yes, that's right [furry], I'm going to try fix the site… one bit of code at a time…

As you can see, I have already discovered the parser. Very interesting, because it works in a similar way to my code-parser that I used for that fake assembler I wrote a while back. Also, <3 Regex.

Anyway, I already fixed a (very) minor problem in the search results page, when clicking on a username. Turns out that somebody forgot the ? in the <?php tag. That was too easy :(

My V4D game

My new one is called Symbiote. You're an alien/thing, and are somehow attached mentally to another alien/thing with a mouth. You must find food for your symbiotic dependant in order to survive. So far, I have a few sprites and the beginnings of a tileset.


Castypher 13 years ago

Yes, that's right Toast, I'm going to try fix the site
You say that now, but you'll join the rest of us in the neverending party that never finishes anything!

JuurianChi 13 years ago

My face when Usertag.

death 13 years ago

you play as an alien fetching food? not all that romantic lol but good luck with that. probably gonna be a shooter or platformer? and good luck with "fixing" that site =P

Moikle 13 years ago

Fixing time
thank God, it does way too fast.

Astryl 13 years ago

BUMPED. See link.

You say that now, but you'll join the rest of us in the neverending party that never finishes anything!
Which is why I'm fixing lots of stuff now, BEFORE I join your party. >;3

Alert Games 13 years ago

heh i would ask for access to 64digits, but then the entire site would be functional. which is no fun :(

JID 13 years ago

I should have access so I can bork everything and destroy the site.

Which should be fun to fix for AG. :p

Toast 13 years ago

Everybody should have access.


Astryl 13 years ago

When did you get access?
Three days ago. >:3