I officially withdraw

Posted by Astryl on Feb. 13, 2012, 12:36 a.m.


Here, have some new music I made in the small hours of the morning:


Yup. I withdraw from the competition. First of all, my game isn't anywhere near ready yet, and even then: It doesn't fit the theme at all.

I want to finish it though, because it's an interesting concept.

Anyway, this blog is 20 percent cooler, because it was composed in Linux. :D

You know, this whole weekend, I hardly booted into Windows at all? Why bother when Linux runs all my programs and it runs them faster. Yes, that's right… FASTER.

Minecraft (Windows launcher and natives) runs above 80FPS, and never lags, even while writing to the disk. No$GBA runs all the ROMS that are normally a bit laggy at full speed (And framerate).


What I spent my weekend doing

Firstly, I busted my fingers a bit with this little thing called the Chromatic Scale. At least I'm doing better at it now (Can play it forwards and backwards, with alternate picking and at a decent pace).

Then I decided to have a super-study-session and absorbed the entire book "Programming from the Ground Up". In other words: Mega now knows X86 assembly. Yay.

# Testing stdout file output

 .section .data
  .ascii "Hello 64digits!\n\0"
  .equ my_text_len, my_text_end - my_text # .equ is very useful. 

 .section .text
 .globl _start


 movl $4, %eax
 movl $1, %ebx
 movl $my_text, %ecx
 movl $my_text_len, %edx  

 # That set up the WRITE system call (In Linux anyway. Windows is another matter)
 # It works almost like a function like this: linuxCall(int mode, ...)
 # For write, the parameters are: mode, file_handle, data_ptr, data_len
 int $0x80 # Call the kernel via interrupt. 

 movl $0, %ebx
 movl $1, %eax
 int  $0x80

Well, I'd show you a screenshot of my Linux desktop, but I seem to have accidentally teh gnome-screenshot D=

(Actually, it's my distro. Trimmed and streamlined for gaming, but with a few screws loose. That can be fixed easily though).


Heh. So I RTFM, and found an innocuous little program called import, which

contrary to logic, actually takes a screenshot from a defined portion of the screen.

Here's the screenshot:

Here, have another:

Sabayon gets the Mega Seal of Awesome. Because in Windows, I can't use Winamp (With it's nice NSF and VGM playing plugins) while playing Minecraft. Minecraft lags like crazy when I try (Hence I dubbed Winamp WINCRAMP and carried on using WMP, and playing things like FLVs while playing Minecraft).

Info on the system I'm running

Sabayon 5.x Gaming Edition, which is a version of Gentoo. It doesn't come with may work-related programs (Not even an image editor), but that was fixed. I chose it over the more app-loaded Fedora because of it's low footprint, high compatibility, bundled Wine, and most importantly: Bundled restricted NVidia Drivers, video/audio codecs, and support for all my hardware (Fedora excels in this too).

I'm planning on making a tentative switch over to Fedora 13 once I'm able to connect my own PC to the net again, because I really want Wine.

I boosted program compatibility with WINE by copying my Local Settings, Application Data, Common Files, Shared Files and Windows folders to their respective locations in the WINE prefix, and I now have approximately 80% compatibility (And I can run Steam).

This is sans the PlayOnLinux package (Which screwed Wine up when I tried to manually install it. Not too shabby.

Anyway, back to work looking for stuff to do. I'll be slowly working on crushing those bugs that you people submit (The list is shorter than I expected), and working on my games.

Oh, and fear not: I'm not going to start making all my games Linux-only. I'm still using MingW… For now


Mega has been Wine-ing all weekend.

EDIT: I forgot to ask, but why exactly are the random quotes now hard-coded into the site?


JID 13 years ago


LAR Games 13 years ago

If all games worked perfectly in linux, I would use it all the time.

Astryl 13 years ago

If all games worked perfectly in linux, I would use it all the time.
All of the games I care about work perfectly in Linux, so I can't complain there. You can even get Steam to work (Although it's recommended that you install it seperately, in it's own prefix)

LAR Games 13 years ago

Man, Crysis 2 was awesome.

Astryl 13 years ago

GM games have the worst compatibility with Wine unless you perform a few tweaks to the system first. That's because of the way that GM uses DirectX. Nothing major.

death 13 years ago

dude i love winamp. i have NO problems with it at all and have like every codec known to man installed =P

Unaligned 13 years ago

God damn it. For some reason I really like GNOME, and if I see a screenshot of a relatively cool desktop I get this urge to "improve" mine. So I went hunting down for Rainmeter, nice skins for it, a bunch of suitable wallpapers and a visual style that didn't look like shit.

Seeing your screenshot made me lose a great deal of time, and then I realized that the desktop is possibly the least seen part of any computer (or should be at least). So yeah, here's mine now.

I don't use Linux, but I like it for the fact that if I turn stupidly poor and can't afford a computer upgrade from here on till I die, there'll be a working and maintained distro that'll run on my outdated hardware.

Astryl 13 years ago

Nice theme, but I can't stand Rainmeter. Dunno why. Personal preference I guess.

I accidentally teh Winamp D;

I'll reinstall it eventually. For now I'm using Audacious.