Time to get down to business

Posted by Astryl on Feb. 15, 2012, 8:12 a.m.

In which Mega gets all serious and businesslike

Oh, and there's some philosophical/political bull at the bottom of the blog

Right, time to talk about something important

Regarding the site and stuff to fix, of course.

Today I'm going to start placing some links on the relevant pages that'll

allow you to get updates from that feed.

Now, before I add the links, I'd just like to mention where I'm going

to put them:

> News - In the News posts, of course. Possibly at the bottom of the entry.

> Recent Blogs - Bottom of the front page?

> Recent Activity - RSS icon in the activity feed?

> Blogs from specific user - On that user's blog page, perhaps under the badges/hit count.

> Recent Downloads - On the games page.

Now don't worry about the appearance, I'm not going to add anything that'll be an eyesore.

Game Banners

I see that somebody made, or attempted to make, a game banner generator. I'm not sure whether

it works or not (I haven't bothered to test it).

What I am going to do is make my own version, with some aesthetically pleasing design.

Currently I'm testing this on my local machine, but I'll be sure to upload it ASAP.

I'll probably add a link to any Submission page for the owner of the game that allows

them to generate a new image (Forum friendly, so BBCODE).

The to-do list

ATTN: Other devs

The list is a mess. I'm going through it trying to figure out if half of the reported bugs have

or haven't been fixed. I'd appreciate a bit of help figuring out what's in need of attention

or not.

Otherwise, I'm slowly noting the bugs that I'm positive I can fix (Or at least 50% sure), and

I'll be getting to the actual fixing soon. Covertly. *shoots lightbulb*

**Deadpan serious Mega-Mode ends here**

Well, I'm still enjoying the 64digits code. That's right, enjoying it. I love a good bit

of information absorbation 70% of you will misread that as masturbation >:3

Something interesting: I signed up for MITX yesterday. Some electronical engineering course that

requires a knowledge of Calculus, Differential Equations and Linear Algebra. Which I am now attempting

to re-learn so I can actually do the course.

I knew I should have spent a bit more time with Calculus…

For those of you who didn't know already, I'm pretty much a noob when it comes to most high-level Math. Except for Trigonometry. I'm good at that because I use it.

Once more, this blog was written in Linux. I've got most of my games and programs working just fine now, even

the Game Maker Games (In Full-screen mode, using Wine's virtual desktop). Oh, and Deus Ex.

I somehow broke Winamp's dependancy on VCR90 (Visual C Runtime), even though a bunch of other programs use it. And I was sad. Until I figured out that Audacious, the bundled music player, has built in support for NSF, SPC, VGM, VGZ and a bunch of other console formats. =D

Well, I've got a lot of mathematical knowledge to absorb before March the 3rd. Shouldn't be too difficult. Provided I can stay on-task and not get carried away with other things. Like eating, sleeping, fixing bugs in this site's code and creating new ones, and playing games.

The promised Philosophical/Political Bull

Please note that I am neither a polical analyst nor a philosopher, but I have my ideas.

Last week, the president of South Africa (Jacob Zuma) gave the usual State of the Nation address.

Here are the minutea:

> We'll create more jobs, though we managed to create irandom(200) jobs last year

> We'll provide water to the areas that haven't got (Even though they've been without water since we gained power

in 1994)

> We'll provide free housing to the poor! We've built over 9000 since 1994!

> Economy will be fixed etc etc

Here is the abbreviated and concise transcript of the meeting:

: President Zuma walks in, smug look on his face.

: Raises arms

Zuma: "My people, we CBA to do any of the stuff we promised last year, or the year before, but don't worry! We'll keep

thinking about doing it next year! Have a free shirt and don't forget to re-elect us!"

: President Zuma leaves stage.

: People get free concert swag and leave.

Now, thinking about this address got me to thinking. As usual.

But two major problems facing not only this country but the entire world jumped out at me.

> The Economy

> Infrastructure

And guess what? I figured out the solutions to these problems as well.

The solution is perfect, technically sound, absolutely correct. But it's impossible

to implement. You'll see why just now.

Let me explain. Infrastructure, on the level that I'm seeing it,

is essentially a collection of the basic industries needed to sustain a country. Let's leave

Agriculture out of it though, that figures into the equation just now.

Let's take, as an example, some of the 'basics' that we take for granted: Water, Electricity

and Housing.

In this country, all of the candidates for election promise the same thing: "Service delivery"

(By which they mean the aforementioned Water, Electrity and Housing… Oh, and toilets).

So we all, when voting time comes around, vote for the Party we want, and wait for our

shiny white porcelain chamberpots to be delivered.

Come next election, and we're still waiting. The problem boils down to this key factor:


We foolishly assume that the government is actually capable of keeping their promises.

They can't. Have you ever seen a politician who also happens to build houses in his/her spare time?

We have fallen into a comfort zone. We want these things to be handed to us on a silver platter, but

meanwhile we're the ones who need to get up off our lazy asses and take them.

This brings me to the second problem: The Economy.

Especially the food industry, which just happens to be one of the few non-failing sustainable industries

that is failsafe. As my grandfather once said:

"If I want to get rich, I'll just start a Grocery Store, a Toilet Paper factory and an Funeral Parlor."

Of course, something I noticed while taking a retrospective glance at the education system in South Africa

is that the ANC is trying to breed a generation of Suits. That is, people who believe they are destined for

a job in a nice large office block. Essentially, nobody in the latest two generations wants to be an Artisan

or Tradesman (Read: Farmer or Miner).

Now for the solution, which is very simple:

We need to start taking an interest in the lower-level trades that we have been taught to shun.

And don't try to tell me that the idea of being a miner appeals to you…

And you can already see why it's impossible. I don't want to be a farmer/miner/plumber either.

Heh. Oh well, Japan had better start rolling out the slave androids to do all the low-level work for us lazy bastards

before we run out of food in the next fifty years.


F1ak3r 13 years ago

Of course, something I noticed while taking a retrospective glance at the education system in South Africa is that the ANC is trying to breed a generation of Suits. That is, people who believe they are destined for a job in a nice large office block. Essentially, nobody in the latest two generations wants to be an Artisan or Tradesman (Read: Farmer or Miner).
Basically, yeah. They've screwed up the technikons and the old apprenticeship system, leading to stuff like that stampede at UJ and people going to university to get impractical degrees just to have degrees instead of becoming artisans.

It is rather upsetting.

Astryl 13 years ago

There's still an FET college near where I'm living, where you can learn to become things like Chefs, Boilermakers, Electricians, etc. But they're fading fast.

At the moment, I'm learning to spray cars.