I'm bored...

Posted by Astryl on April 16, 2012, 2:27 a.m.

This week is going to be slow. I'm entering Ludum Dare 23, and of course the anticipation for both that and RPG4D is driving me crazy.

Anyway, have a quick 'sketch' I did in GIMP:

Besides that, I'm probably going to attempt to make a quick game today/tomorrow, in the lead-up to LD, in C++. From scratch.

Some more RPG design

I had to scale down my design documents dramatically when I realized that I was designing myself into a situation where I'd have a ton of HQ art, an orchestrated musical score and a AAA engine to complete in three months.

So I had to ditch my original battle-engine plan, and replace it with an ATB style system, as well as a simpler art style (Overall, more like Final Fantasy III (SNES) I'm hoping. I can always fall back to 16x16 midgets if I have to… :P)

I'm still using a lot of the concepts from the D20 SRD, but mostly in the background where you won't see them.

Despondent Mega signing out for now.


death 12 years, 5 months ago

Mega with a short blog?

JuurianChi 12 years, 5 months ago

Not all that uncommon…
