Parties Annoy Me

Posted by Astryl on April 23, 2012, 2:20 a.m.

That includes both the 'classic' party, and the 'modern' party. Both are noisy, lack good music, have lots of people competing over food/drink and take forever to wrap up.

Oh yes, this was a womens tea party, one of the worst kinds; held right outside my window too just to make things worse. Us men suddenly had other things to do, elsewhere ('Split up, surround the site and NUKE IT FROM ORBIT!' was the plan, but Metal Gear was destroyed again…)

Anyway, boring description of Saturday aside, I got nothing done on Saturday, even after they cleared up.

Here's why…

Screwing around with Linux

On Saturday, near midnight, I formatted my Sabayon partition, and decided to try out Fedora 13 (After backing up my documents first, of course).

At nearly the stroke of midnight, much to my delight (I had to refrain from laughing evilly, because we had guests in the next room), the installation was completed and I booted into the OS.

First annoyance: No Nvidia drivers.

OK fine. What wine version does it have?

Aww crap. No wine. I need wine… OK, not really, but it means much less swapping into Windows, I can tell you.

It was then and there that I decided that I was going to switch back to Sabayon as soon as I got the disc back from a friend, but also to try something I'd attempted before (With much failure): Installing Wine manually.

You see, I was offline (My PC isn't connected to the net, which makes using Linux a pain in the ass when it comes to getting software for it).

But I had a Wine package on one of my discs; after digging it up, I started my two hour long battle with not only the kernel, but Bash and SELinux.

Ten minutes in I tossed SELinux out the tenth-floor window. I don't need that sort of security.

Another ten minutes in and I'd gotten Wine working, but only with the su command, as root. Now I'm not one to go and rm -fr / myself, but I don't like hanging around as root for too long regardless, much less run bumbling Windows programs while wielding that sort of power…

Anyway, turns out that the solution to my problem was simple. The problem itself was too. It turned out to be a case of ownership. I had to use sudo to copy the Wine libraries and binaries into the /usr/* folders, and of course, doing so meant that the files and folders I had just copied belonged to root, not me.

Of course, it took me ages to trip over the most obvious command that I had just used that morning while still in Sabayon: chown. Damn I hate it when that happens, but weird shit happens at ~2AM.

Oh, and then Wine worked fine. Except that because of the lack of "restricted" drivers for my GeForce… everything lagged. Even simple programs like TileStudio. Now I'm stuck waiting for my Sabayon disc to be returned…

Anyway… on to Sunday

Which was today, approximately 10 minutes ago. It's midnight again.

Well, after getting to bed at who-the-heck-knows-when, and sleeping until nearly midday and still feeling like I hadn't slept at all, I did nothing besides contemplate why the hell I'd removed Sabayon the night before and why it took me so long to install wine.

Until the evening, where I kicked my creative powers into gear again and continued my favorite little project: Ascendancy.

Guess what? I made another video :3

In addition to that, I made another chiptune:

Code Blue

So my weekend wasn't completely fruitless.

My RPG4D plans

My design document follows:


The plan, as I see it, is to not think about what I'm going to do until I'm able to do something; at which point I'm going to start working away at a frenetic pace (Same as I did with Ascendancy) and generally do what I do best: On-the-spot game-design (I used to love RDC comps).

And with a total of 5 hours work on Ascendancy, which I don't even call trying, imagine what I could potentially do in three solid months.

Now I just hope I can pull it off… :3


flashback 12 years, 10 months ago

If you're willing to hop distros again, I personally recommend Debian. Much less frustrating.

Though if you want stupendously easy to install restricted drivers, Ubuntu might be more to your liking (or maybe Mint).

Astryl 12 years, 10 months ago

I can't say how much I hate Ubuntu :P

I might try Debian though, but only when I can feel bothered to carry my PC setup over to the ADSL router. And when I can get around to downloading the ISO.

Rob 12 years, 10 months ago

I don't really like most parties either….

but I hope LAN parties don't annoy you.

Alert Games 12 years, 10 months ago

Parties are awesome if you go to the awesome ones.

Rob 12 years, 10 months ago

Parties are awesome if you go to the awesome ones.

Yes, like awesome LAN parties.

Rob 12 years, 10 months ago

LAN parties aren't as fun when you're not in the same room.

also, alcohol. but knowing FSX, he'll be drunk anyways

Astryl 12 years, 10 months ago

I know, I mean an actual LAN party.
That would be undeniably awesome, but the… geographical problem arises.

Rob 12 years, 10 months ago

That would be undeniably awesome, but the… geographical problem arises.

LAN party in South Africa!

McFluffeh 12 years, 10 months ago

When we build the tubes, don't forget to write "64digits only" on it in sharpie.

F1ak3r 12 years, 10 months ago

LAN party in South Africa!
It's more likely than you think.

Swing over to the Eastern Cape and I will have you sorted. =D