I'm still relatively new at this...

Posted by Astryl on May 28, 2012, 2:33 a.m.

jQuery. Heh. And here I thought it was some JavaScript interface to databases, or for data processing. Where has it been all my (web development related) life?

This demonstrates how little I know in some areas while knowing so much in others. Not the first time I've been put off a language/library because of it's name. JavaScript did the same. C# too.

Anyway, my heinous misconceptions were cured after I mirrored almost the entire w3schools site. It's useful to have an always-there offline reference.

So, now I'm spicing up my client's site a bit. I'm keeping all the information on one page, sorting it visually with jQuery.

At the moment, there's a large photo dominating the left 75% of the center column (AKA: The only column), and I need space to display the restaurant's menu, contact information, twitter feed and Google Maps locator.

And now I have an elegant solution. Feed the data into empty <div> blocks on document load, and have them start off in the hidden state. Fade the picture out, use the callback to replace with the required information. Boom. Solved most of my design problems right there (With regards to 'where the fuck do I put this stuff?' related problems).

I'm trying to avoid a site with too much scrolling here, because it's not going to be displaying a lot of information, just a few simple things (About the location, the food, etc). And above all, the owner wants to be able to easily modify the menu and photo, on a daily basis.

I live in a holiday town, by the way. Velddrif. Boring fishing village with an entire 'Tourist' quarter (A whole residential district filled with empty-almost-the-entire-year houses). They come here for the wonderfully pungent odour of fishmeal being made. Stupid tourists :P

I guess the river, wildlife, boating, fishing, beaches and the massive Shopping Mall in The Middle of Nowheretm count as attractions too. >_>


I'm drawing something ridiculously complex.

That says it all, with the exception of what I'm drawing, and the pain it causes me…

As I mentioned on Eva-Unit's blog, I felt like drawing. So I started a steampunk inspired mecha. And it's taking me forever to get done:

Partial progress update

Here's the painful part: My mouse isn't working properly. It keeps cutting out, double clicking randomly, and generally glitching. It's a Logik as well. The cheap not-afraid-to-call-itself-a-shitty-product mouse I have on my desk works better, but I can't use it. [/irony]

Why? It's USB cable is too short, and I loaned somebody the only extension cable I have. No, I can't ask for it back, it's actually their cable, I just possessed it on an extended loan (Since 2010).

I'm definitely going to buy myself a new mouse, because this is hurting my productivity in more ways than one.

Anyway, back to GIMP, Notepad++, and the w3schools mirror :P

Feel free to donate a new mouse via Quantum Gating.



JID 12 years, 8 months ago

When I first saw this blog, I honestly first thought the steampunk inspired mecha was supposed to be the roof of an unfinished house(don't ask me why). But it looks pretty cool now that I know what it's supposed to be… Actually, it looks cool either way. :P


Oh, almost forgot to actually read the blog, I should get to doing that sometime this year.

Or maybe next year if I'm not lazy enough..

Yeah.. Next year sounds good.

Mordi 12 years, 8 months ago

That painting looks great so far.

Josea 12 years, 8 months ago
JuurianChi 12 years, 8 months ago

Taste the Jquery.

death 12 years, 8 months ago

When I first saw this blog, I honestly first thought the steampunk inspired mecha was supposed to be the roof of an unfinished house(don't ask me why). But it looks pretty cool now that I know what it's supposed to be… Actually, it looks cool either way. :P
ha me to

Charlie Carlo 12 years, 8 months ago

Does your mouse do that thing where it magically jumps to the furthest corner of your screen?

Because mine does that; it might be my mousepad though.

firestormx 12 years, 8 months ago

jQuery is very lovely. =D

Josea: I've never seen that site before, but I like it. =)

Astryl 12 years, 8 months ago

Thanks everybody… Yeah, it does look like the roof of a house now that you mention it. But that's just a cropped section :3

@Josea: That is an interesting site. And the links it provides are really useful. But now I have more sites to mirror…

@Charlie: Yup. Not too often, but sometimes. And it's often caused by something getting into the cavity where the sensor resides.