Posted by Astryl on July 4, 2012, 10:10 a.m.

There are a lot of things I'd 'just' like to get, but these things cost money, and my priority right now lies elsewhere…

Of course, I have enough scrap metal to build one… Hmm…

Quoted from Cesque's blog…

I just realized that I have about three PC boxes sitting around, with a multitude of parts, usable aluminium, cables, clips and who-knows what else.

So I am going to try my hand at making a Network Storage Server of sorts, instead of creating a hard-drive enclosure. Ought to be fun; but I'll only get started after I've finished my competition entry…

But while this thought was going through my head, I just realized… "What have I been doing with my life?". I wanted to get into electronics back when I was 12 or so… I must make up for lost time…

*digs out stack of 60 or so Everyday Electronics magazines*

Hrm… death rays… synthesizers… automatic garage doors… So many projects to choose from…

Anyway, if I build anything, I'll post pictures of it.

Quick on-the-spot update - For Exile, not my Death Ray…

Without releasing any actual details, I will say as ambiguously as possible that it is practically complete, with the core being almost entirely operational and functioning as expected. All I need to do now is create and complete the auxilary components, thus rendering the project 'finished'.

*hides in evil lair*


Cesque 12 years, 7 months ago

Cool, waiting to see this.

But I'm glad you're making your game your priority :p

Unaligned 12 years, 7 months ago

Document your progress. With pics and cool descriptions of what you're doing for electronics-illiterate people like myself.

I eagerly await the deadline for the RPG compo.

Astryl 12 years, 7 months ago

I'll update this blog as I do things. I did do something this morning. I stubbed my toe on one of the aforementioned computer cases and swore. I'd obviously been tinkering with 'em last night and had forgotten to stash them out of the way again…

Document your progress. With pics and cool descriptions of what you're doing for electronics-illiterate people like myself.

Sure. Though with the construction of the NAS/NSS (My first project after the comp), it's mostly a case of piecing together a well cooled giant HDD bay with it's own power supply and a CAT3 protruding from the back.