A break in the routine...

Posted by Astryl on July 11, 2012, 2:19 a.m.

You know what? I'm getting sick of writing programming or competition related blogs.

So I'll write about something else instead: Games.

DPadHero 2 - breaking your gamepad, one button at a time

This is a little gem of a homebrew NES game. It's one of those rare

'made this millenium' ROMs for the old system, and it happens to be

one of my favorite games to play when I need a quick break.

As you can see, it's a Guitar Hero clone of sorts, 'cept it's on the NES, and

it's played with the D-Pad (Controller).

Anyway, looks deceptively simple. Especially when looking at a screenshot like

that. But if you have a gamepad and fancy your chances…

I'll give you my basic score roster…


> LED MAN - 6/8 challenges completed. 95% song completion.

> LOVE MAN - 7/8 challenges completed. 98% song completion.

> WHIP MAN - 8/8 challenges completed. 100% song completion.

> FREE MAN - 6/8 challenges completed. 94% song completion.

> DETH MAN - 8/8 challenges completed. 100% song completion.

> LIFE MAN - 7/8 challenges completed. 99% song completion.


In case I haven't mentioned it before, I love rythm games.

Except the Guitar Hero type games. I mean, come on.

Play a real guitar. Has a better end result :3

But anyway… Pictures tell the sad tale:

Because I have nothing better to do with my time, like make games…

Unreal Tournament 2004

Ah, now this has to be one of my favorite rythm games of all time…

No, I'm serious…

The rythm goes something like this:

>> FIRST VERSE (Standard 4/4 timing)

♪ Head shot

♪ Head shot

♪ Head shot


♪ Head shot

♪ Head shot

♪ Head shot



♪ Head Shot ♫




(repeat twice)



♪ Head shot


♪ Head shot


♪ Head shot

- Record Scratch and Rest

♫ You have won the match!

Unfortunately, I don't have anybody to play against on my LAN connection who can actually play well. And bots suck. Oh well… Maybe one day my sniping ability will be put to good use when the next UT game comes out…

The World Ends With You

Possibly my next favorite RPG after Chrono Trigger. This gem of a game was introduced to me by a member of the YYG forums, and since then I've been hooked. Besides the battle system, the puzzles and the great soundtrack… The story has so many well placed twists that it can really catch you off guard, even if you think you know what's going to happen.

Not in a bad way, by the way :3

It's plot twists that make perfect sense, but the writers took advantage of the fact that we people jump to conclusions very quickly, meaning that you get one of those "What? REALLY?" moments. Or a big WTF moment depending on the part of the game.

If you can find this in the bargain bin, get it. Or not. Your choice.

Mega - man

What would my average gaming session be without a bit of the game that gave me the (uninspiring) inspiration for my username?

My old favorite. Megaman 3

And my other favorite. Megaman Zero 4

I have literally played every Megaman game worth playing. Even some of the obscure games, like Megaman Battle & Chase, Rockboard, and some of the cellphone games. Guess my name is fitting, hmm?

And with that…

Those are the main games I play, without mentioning Minecraft… but I did neglect to mention one:

Dwarf Fortress. But an explanation of that would require a Wall of Text. Also, my current fortress hasn't been played in months (Exactly two months, 11 days… wonder what could've caused that?)

And I'll just derpdrop a slight update for Exile. I created a fully functional Save/Load system, and a nice main menu/pause menu. Also, four new enemies, an experience system, and a few bug fixes. ;3

Now, if you'll excuse me…

-Mega steals your weapon and enters the Mod's fortress-


Astryl 12 years, 7 months ago

Oh. Preview of one of the tunes from the Exile Soundtrack:


It's FM. Listen to it, Cyrus.

Quietus 12 years, 7 months ago

Also, my current fortress hasn't been played in months (Exactly two months, 11 days… wonder what could've caused that?)
hah. :P

Megaman is one of the few franchises of retro games i could never get into unfortunately. i die, a lot. :3

Astryl 12 years, 7 months ago

I used to die a lot too, but then I… OK. I'll leave that one.

Practice. That's all.

@Cyrus: Just blast it anyway and introduce the rest of the people in the study lounge to the potential joys of FM…

Castypher 12 years, 7 months ago

Megaman is one of the few franchises of retro games i could never get into unfortunately. i die, a lot. :3
Same. And after I saw an achievement on one that said "clear the game without taking any damage", I ragequit without even beginning.

Astryl 12 years, 7 months ago

Sure thing Mega, it shouldn't be too different from the dubstep they love listening to.

Oh, dubstep hmm? Let me just record the pleasing sounds of the food processor quickly and mix it in with FL Studio…

Same. And after I saw an achievement on one that said "clear the game without taking any damage", I ragequit without even beginning.
That would be Megaman 9 or 10. I completed that one on MM10, but not on 9. But only because I was sick and bored. Forced bedrest + Wireless controller + games with achievements == Splitting headache and a strangely satisfied feeling.

EDIT: Kilin, I see you still lurking around. Go to bed.

death 12 years, 7 months ago

Stepmania is awesome. i never used the profiles and i still use the older version of it. been a player for like 5~6 years now. i had expensive controllers for it, big metal mats.

i still cant beat mm9. one of the hardest games ever. still love it though.