
Posted by Astryl on July 23, 2012, 3:51 a.m.

I haven't blogged properly in a while. What defines a proper blog? For myself, it's anything that takes more than 5 minutes to read.

No, this is not a proper blog.

My next one will be.

Well… I'm starting work in about a week. Training's over. I'm working on an iPad powered Point Of Sales system, in case I neglected to mention it. Looking forward to having a daily routine for the first time since high school.

I just realized yesterday that weekends don't exist for me anymore. Each day is the same, and that gets very mundane very quickly. How can you enjoy your break if it's not a break?

Anyways… I destroyed a High Dragon yesterday. It was ridiculously easy. Cesque, do a Dragon Age Origins shenanigans blog. Here's why.

Frostback Mountains Dragon

So, I had a pretty low level character, a Warrior. I was making my way through the Mountaintop area, when I saw a Dragon alight on the bluff. I had just picked up a horn that can summon said Dragon. I quick-saved, walked into a little circular ruin in the Eastern edge of the area, and blew the horn.

Dragon flies down, crashes into the wall, and doesn't fight back. Of course, my two melee party members (Alistair and Sten) carried on running into the stupid thing's tail. Myself, I switched to the Longbow, loaded up Andraste's Arrows, and got up to have a cup of coffee…

Result: Swag. XP. More Swag.

What I'm doing now

Well, I'm still experimenting with the 3D engine I created for the comp. I want to change it's data format to use sectors instead of cubes. Because sectors are awesome, and can be rendered using either a BSP algorithm or a Portal algorithm.

The modern map formats are merely extensions of the old sector formats, just extended to the third dimension.

At the same time, I'm 'modding' DPadHero 2's assembly source, adding in my own music. I'm also looking at OS development again, working out the details for the C++ version of my level editor, and in general having fun.

Which confuses the heck out of my family. I just complain about feeling burnt out after the comp, but then I start talking about all my other projects, but these are relaxing. I should see a shrink, just to see his/her reaction to my mentality.

Well. I promise a more coherent blog next time. How 'bout a wall of text again?


Cesque 12 years, 2 months ago

Anyways… I destroyed a High Dragon yesterday. It was ridiculously easy. Cesque, do a Dragon Age Origins shenanigans blog. Here's why.

I played some Dragon Age, but I hated the combat system and gave up pretty early. I didn't even get to the "open world" gameplay.