Have some chiptune

Posted by Astryl on July 27, 2012, 2:39 a.m.

Since nobody has time to comment on longer blogs, what with the competition and all, I'll just leave this here and lurk.

Youtube Video (Not-so-high quality)

Soundcloud link (HQ with download)


By the way, nobody dare drop out of the competition now.

I mean, damn. Wouldn't it just be pathetic if there are only ten games submitted?


Astryl 12 years, 6 months ago


Oh, dude, that was aimed at Juurian, not you.

EDIT: Actually, how the fuck did you think that was aimed at you?

Wait.. Oh. That'd be because I read the first part of Juurian's comment, before he tacked that extra bit on, then assumed he hadn't changed it when I read yours.

Nevermind then.

I just realized your YouTube username was MegaDrago.

You have earned this unrelated +1. :')
Awesome chiptune. And goddamn it Juurian, it is not your job to say what belongs on the front page and what doesn't. It's like the old days of "SHORT BLOG OFF TEH FRONT PAEG 4 J00".
Thanks :3

JuurianChi 12 years, 6 months ago

Now I remember you saying the same thing in hel's blog, even though it had exactly 423 characters. 423.
If you recalled "correctly" you would remember that it wasn't that bulky when he first tacked it on.

And after all those months of shitting in people's faces about "content", how can the short blog rule not apply?

I didn't get that memo. It wouldn't have been so hard to say "oHai, JuurianChi. The shortblog rule is moot now. haha, lulz. :P "

Castypher 12 years, 6 months ago

Point is, it's not your job to call people out on it. Leave the moderating to the mods. We're not fourteen years old like we were back then, so there's no need to childishly point it out on every blog that seems fishy to you.

300 characters isn't that much. If you're looking for every blog to be novel-sized, you'd probably be better off somewhere else.

JuurianChi 12 years, 6 months ago

If you're looking for every blog to be novel-sized, you'd probably be better off somewhere else.
Hey. I'm not you. When I point it out, I'm bring friendly. I'm not staring the poster down and saying "Tsk Tsk. You shouldn't have done that, foggot. Where's your content?!"

But whatever, now I know not to bother anymore.

(Because you're all so "great" at your jobs.)

Castypher 12 years, 6 months ago

So when you pointed it out on hel's blog, you weren't spiting him, you were just being friendly. Not for a second, man.

And for the record, I'm not a mod, so your insult is mistargeted.

But like I said earlier, I don't want to hijack this blog. If you have a problem with me, take it up with me in private. There's nothing else to be said.

JuurianChi 12 years, 6 months ago

Say, Mega. what's the name of that program? I like how all of the notes trackers are vertically drawn. Are there other interface options?


Educational assistance by Stevenup

Astryl 12 years, 6 months ago

The program is the tracker, the vertical columns are tracks, the notes reside in the tracks.

This particular tracker is Famitracker.

Other trackers I use include VGMMaker, MilkyTracker, Madtracker 2 and FastTracker.