I mean, honestly.
I was going through my stack of PCFormat discs, and do you know how many ATI hotfixes exist for nearly every single game that appears? Ranging from minor glitch fixes right up to the terrain texture problems found in Skyrim…Anyway, third patch.Download
Oh, and if anybody does try it, please report back.
I can't even get it to open for some weird reason…May just be my computer being stupid again.
Yeah it was basically unplayable for me because of the stretching.
I tried out the original version earlier this week and none of the billboarded sprites (enemies, pickups, etc.) were showing up, and I'm on an nvidia card…
I'll have to see about trying this thoughDamn. This problem has gotten to the point where I'm finding it potentially easier to think of creating low-res 3D models instead of using billboards, just to fix this problem.
I've literally gone through every bit of information I could find. ;_;Also, the disappearing billboards on some nVidia cards… I had that happen to me when I tried to run my game in Wine…