IMPORTANT: Exile fix for ATI users

Posted by Astryl on Aug. 12, 2012, 10:45 a.m.

This should be the last one, and hopefully it will work.

I completely rewrote the billboard code to use the not-really-billboarding system I used in Lightbound, and it works well enough that it'll make the game playable (I hope).

Download Patch 1.3B

Note: Only for ATI users, unless the nVidia users want their billboards to look slightly odd yet just about good enough to play with. Your choice.

You need the full game first if you haven't got it already: Here it is

Anyway, I tried my hand at modeling a character for the game. Here's the net result after an hour:

I then ran up against a wall: I rigged the model, assigned the vertex groups carefully… then watched the whole thing deform weirdly when I tried to move bones. I probably should change the vertex weight and perhaps manually assign the groups instead of using the weight-paint option. Meh. Dunno. I'm not a 3D modeler. ^\_(o_o)_/^

Anyway, I updated GIMP yesterday to 2.8…. and I hate it. They downgraded the appearance, made it take twice as long to load, removed my most-used brushes (The simple circle ones, 1, 3, 5 and 10), and split the save file dialogue into two separate ones (Export and Save).

On the plus side, Python scripts ^^

I took an old image I had sketched out in 2010, and finished it off:

Well, back to finding things to do during my weekend…


MMOnologueguy 12 years, 6 months ago

Everything seems to be working.

Astryl 12 years, 6 months ago

Dat billboard :3

Castypher 12 years, 6 months ago

Rigging models is the worst thing I've ever had the displeasure to do.

death 12 years, 6 months ago

OKAY it worked for me. i played all of it and i have some things i want to point out:

- Character walks a bit too slow. Unable to dodge most ranged attacks if your close to the enemy. This results in almost no strategy and it becomes a button masher.

- Victory often comes down to how many supplies you have versus how many enemies there are. Luckily it's designed well enough to have enough supplies but if you die and lose all your stuff and don't reload i suspect you would never be able to survive in a later level.

- It's too dark. i had to manually increase my graphic card's gamma to see well.

- is the fists stronger than the sword? with it's high speed it makes me wonder if it's more useful.

- magic is too costly and doesn't do enough. because of the narrow halls and such most the time it'll hit something. during the bosses you run out of mp too quickly and end up using the sword most the time and due to the difficulty of dodging close range attacks the bosses can get really hard (mostly the final boss) <maybe you could have max mp increase with levels as well?>

- low variety in enemy types and AI.

- losing runes when dying. instead of reloading the level with nothing, why not auto-reload last save? nobody is going to play the game with no magic.


it was pretty interesting but still needs a lot more in it to polish the experience. It's a good thing you finally fixed the ati problems. that bit of information should help with all 3d games you make from now on.

Also that 3d model looks pretty decent. now put some textures on it =P

it would at least fit the style of the game.

Amarin 12 years, 6 months ago

I then ran up against a wall: I rigged the model, assigned the vertex groups carefully… then watched the whole thing deform weirdly when I tried to move bones. I probably should change the vertex weight and perhaps manually assign the groups instead of using the weight-paint option. Meh. Dunno. I'm not a 3D modeler. ^_(o_o)_/

Turn on edged faces so I can see the composition of the model. There should be some loops at joints for deforming.

BP Scraps 12 years, 6 months ago


It's super effective!

Astryl 12 years, 6 months ago

losing runes when dying. instead of reloading the level with nothing, why not auto-reload last save? nobody is going to play the game with no magic.
I know. And I forgot to fix it. I was kinda focusing on the ATI problems. Thanks for the feedback though :P


Turn on edged faces so I can see the composition of the model. There should be some loops at joints for deforming.
Ah, I knew I had forgotten something important…

LAR Games 12 years, 6 months ago

Ooh. I can finally play it. Am I supposed to be dying this much?

And why can't I use the rune I get in the beginning?

Rob 12 years, 6 months ago

Well, it worked.

death 12 years, 6 months ago

Ooh. I can finally play it. Am I supposed to be dying this much?

And why can't I use the rune I get in the beginning?
you can, just switch to the staff with '3' key. You need a lot of magic to cast most stuff though.