Progress? Nah. None here...

Posted by Astryl on Sept. 15, 2012, 11:46 a.m.

So I'm late to the party and I haven't quite started my competition entry yet. Though I have been experimenting with something involving 8 meters of hose and a lighting engine :3

I've already made the decision to make a simple platformer this time round; I'm still working on Exile, and starting another 3D game right now is probably going to wind up with me making something that feels too close to Exile for comfort…

Exile's engine

I've been working on the engine, named Spectrum, for a while now, and I've already added in a nifty feature: Room-over-Room. Meaning I can build towers of doom, and seedy motels. Hell yeah.

Also, the level format is now properly 3D. Would you believe that, no matter how 3D Exile looked, it was actually completely and utterly flat? Oh the tricks we programmers can play.

Of course, now I actually can make 3D levels… Woot.

What I'm going to do for the competition

I don't see much harm in providing a bit of information, since it's early on. I feel like making a platformer, and since I now own a GM8.1 license, I may as well use GM and focus on Art and Music for this.

Something I definitely need to add to this game of mine is a decent lighting system. I want a dark, atmospheric feel with fake bloom and perhaps some fake 2D normal mapping. I already have a couple of ideas for achieving this.

Of course, the game itself is going to be a platformer. I want to experiment with the creation of a short non-linear platformer (Again). Start placing bets now.

What I'm really doing

Minecraft, Just Cause, SMB 3 with my brother, Ace Attorney… Yeah. I'm gaming. It's my weekend off. :3

Anyway… to end this off, I'll probably blog about the lighting system I come up with, if it's up to scratch. See ya.


Amarin 12 years, 5 months ago

Meaning I can build towers of doom

Insert joke here about how Doom can't do room-over-room.