Well I was trawling google, And realized a couple of things…
We don't have a Wikipedia page. We do have a hopelessly short and outdated Uncyclopedia page, ditto for the GM Wiki, and most of the information out there is either to do with RPG4D or this…So, anybody interested in getting together to write some actually interesting information for these sites? Satirical writers, to Uncyclopedia. The rest of you, to Wikipedia!…Yeah, I'm so bored.
That Phoenix post….
Eagly, you had no faith in our site, did you?I didn't know either of these pages existed. =D
Yeah, every year or two, I get the urge to check if anyone's created a wikipedia page for 64D, and I always leave feeling so unloved when I don't find one.If I remember correctly, Phoenix was started around the time of the GearGOD hacking (where it was almost exclusively misspelt as Pheonix), but there were probably some revivals at other points, like the Great Downtime of '09. We've had a bit of a rough history, so I think it's understandable.
It's kinda weird to think that we live in a world with V3 and Duke Nukem Forever. Too bad about PLatformed…I miss PY and serpy…In respect to Duke Nukem Forever, I thought Kingdom Hearts would never come out.
Flash forward three years later- I wish it had never come out.I don't remember writing most of the news posts on 64D.