A few things to present

Posted by Astryl on Sept. 29, 2012, 2:48 a.m.

Well, it's my weekend off. And what do you know? I've actually done stuff. Woot.

Anyway, here's my latest excuse for art:

Made under great strain using the new version of GIMP, which just happens to remove all the brushes I like to use, forcing me to make them myself…

In other news, my game is coming along nicely. I added a fully functional Metroid map system, a custom scrolling system, and the ability to pick stuff up Mario 2 style and throw things.

Oh yeah, I ordered a contract today. From a cellphone provider. Not for a cellphone (Exclusively, anyway). I'm getting me a Dell Inspiron R15 N5050 laptop, along with a Samsung Galaxy Pockey for a laughably affordable price (After I ditched the data plan).

Why a laptop? Lolidunno. It is more powerful than my PC, with the exception of the graphics chipset; but at least I'll be able to carry my work around with me…

I'm still gearing up to do an extra long blog. Need some interesting stuff to happen to me first, though…


death 12 years, 4 months ago

is he flying? or jumping backwards? … lol xD

Need some interesting stuff to happen to me first, though…
i've been waiting for that a looooooong time :P

KaBob799 12 years, 4 months ago

I've been using a laptop for over 4 years, I don't think I'll ever be going back to a PC. It costs a bit more, but its worth it.

death 12 years, 4 months ago

I've been using a desktop for over 10 years, I don't think I'll ever be going back to a laptop. It costs a bit more, but its worth it.

KaBob799 12 years, 4 months ago

That comment was completely necessary

Kunedon 12 years, 4 months ago

Your drawing is better than whatever I can come up with.

That comment was completely necessary

It totally was.

JID 12 years, 4 months ago

nice drawing. better than anything i could do, especially shading-wise.

i need to get back into drawing with my bamboo tablet, the thing has collected so much dust

Astryl 12 years, 4 months ago


is he flying? or jumping backwards? … lol xD

If this was animated, he'd be kinda dashing forward, doing a half twist and firing with his left arm.


nice drawing. better than anything i could do, especially shading-wise.

i need to get back into drawing with my bamboo tablet, the thing has collected so much dust

Thanks… I should still get a tablet one of these days.

Charlie Carlo 12 years, 4 months ago

Cool art, dude. You've got some good stuff going on with shading and effects. You should work on your line art though; the shape of the robot man seems uncertain, and the laser kinda tapers off.

I have a Bamboo tablet… I suck at using it. Either that or its just the tablet I have. I have the one that is advertised to be used for photomanipulation, not drawing, but I don't know what the difference between the two even is.

Astryl 12 years, 4 months ago

Mouse + Lineart == Messy lines. I'm still not comfortable with vectors or paths. And the laser isn't really a laser, and is supposed to taper off. Just saying. :P

I logged onto my DA account and noticed that it's been downloaded 159 times in the last 24 hours.

Castypher 12 years, 4 months ago

The common strategy I've seen is:

- Sketch by hand, either with a pencil, paper, and scanner, or with a tablet (I use my tablet)

- Bring the sketch into a vector art program and use the mouse to trace it (I use Paint SAI)

- Touch up the lines with various tools (curve drawing, use weight, color, and pressure to adjust)

- Proceed to color in various layers represented how you think they should be (I usually separate by clothing if I draw people, proximity for scenery)

- Add shading, preferably by using multiply layers (dodge and burn tools are nice if you don't)

- Do whatever else it is you do

There are plenty of different ways to do this, of course, but this is just the method I've seen most often. You use the tablet for the initial sketch and for coloring, but I've found it much easier to use the mouse for vector lineart.

Experiment a bit, that's the key.