New Album: Best of 2012

Posted by Astryl on Dec. 15, 2012, 4:06 a.m.

One of my new years resolutions, according to an obscure .txt I discovered lurking in the My Documents folder, was to release an album/compilation by the end of the year.

So I did:

I've created three new tracks, and added in seven I decided are my 'best' works from this year. The album, if bought, comes with the music in NSF format. I also took the extra trouble to upload it in high-quality WAV, much to the dismay of my internet connection.

Don't bother buying it if you don't want to, but give the new tracks a listen :P (Or pick out one or two, they're only 50 cents each. Save a Mega, send coffee. I'm all out).


Without any of you knowing, I was on a hiatus this week. Self imposed, needed to focus. As some of you know, I lost my job. So I've been doing minor computer related support and repair for an Internet Cafe in town. There's a great demand for somebody who can diagnose and repair computers, or give advice on upgrades and such, so maybe I'll be able to turn this into something a bit larger in the future.

Oh, I bought Sacred 2 and Risen the other day at the local supermarket. Risen is fun and funny. There are enough exploitable glitches in it to put Oblivion to shame.

Sacred feels like Dungeon Siege, with insta-grass, robotic temple guardians and millions of High Elven Bandits.

I've been preferring Risen; hitting stuff with a stick, gutting it if it happens to be an animal, then heading over to your next convenient Open Fire to cook yourself a Rat Steak is amusing.

Well, it's back to lurking I guess, though I might take another break during the week. The closer it gets to Christmas, the more frantic it becomes around here. Holiday town.


Astryl 12 years, 2 months ago

Thanks Stevenup. I'll look into that, I've definitely got the time. (And let me find that D quickly…)

Edit: Yeah, that worked nicely.

Astryl 12 years, 2 months ago

I do prefer it that way; seems a bit obvious after the fact, considering that the G# note leads into the next part of the piece in a more interesting way. Plays on the ears a bit. (Best way I can think of to describe it). I might update the track on BandCamp if I get the chance a bit later.