Haven't blogged in a while

Posted by Astryl on Jan. 25, 2013, 4 a.m.

Hey, I managed to not drop an ellipsis at the end of the blog title!

So, I haven't blogged in a while. It gets difficult to write blogs when the only things you want to write about are of non-general interest. Because be honest, how many of you want to hear a five-page tirade about OS development? (Almost wrote one).

I'm probably going to make most of my blogs here about art and music, with a few games sprinkled between. I'm taking my coding rants to Tumblr. Or Wordpress. Or something.

Anyway, have some concept sprites:

Every time I sprite, I try to challenge myself a bit more. Now I've moved onto nearly-fighter-character-sized sprites. This one is 48x96.

Animating it is a pain, but I'm using a proven method. I first drew the first pic, cleaned it up, then imported into GraphicsGale. From there, I painted 'mass zones'. Hence the multicolored figure in the second image.

And then the animation began. Onionskinning is a really useful feature. First I did four keyframes, named "Legs Tgt. Right", "Right Leg Fore", "Legs Tgt. Left", "Left Leg Fore", and then I tweened them. So it's an 8 frame walking animation, looks smooth, and took me a whole day to make.

Of course, I'm putting off the real work: Painting the details back on, all while making it look consistent between frames. Still, it's easier than trying to animate a fully detailed sprite. Because I tried that first.

This is all a major step up from using recolored Megaman sprites, and from there onto the very simple 16x16 sprites I favored. Took me ages to be brave enough to try a full-tilt running animation (Epic Christmas was where that started, I made the player lean into the run a bit, changed the profile a bit, made sure the arms were moving, the legs were moving more like a pendulum than a piston, etc).

Anyway, this art is for a collaborative game I'm working on. Kinda. Somebody in Germany. He wants to use Unity. I want to kill Unity with fire. I'd rather be using GM for this, as it's a 2D project with some minor 3D elements (Some terrain). Also, Unity doesn't know how to draw my sprite nicely. It doesn't know the meaning of "Linear Texture Filtering", nor does it want to.

Right, enough about that… onto:


My forays into music began when I started banging away on a MIDI keyboard a few years ago. My mom was learning it. And so was I, when she wasn't looking. I just skipped the whole 'reading sheet music' thing and focused on the best ways to render the Dr Wily theme tune from Megaman 2 with the Distorted Guitar sound… Yeah, I was only 14…

Thanks to Stevenup, I have a rekindled interest in the theory behind music, and I've been studying several books he recommended. Good stuff, and I can now read sheet music (Albeit slowly, but I commit the important bits to memory).

At the moment, my only instrument is a guitar I was given for my birthday a few years ago. I get in somewhere between 1 hour to 2 hours of practice a day. A guitar is apparently the nearest best thing to a piano if you don't happen to have the latter, as it's range is pretty high.

Maybe one day I'll write a piece for my guitar, record it, and upload it. Also, maybe one day pigs will fly.

On the chiptune front, I'm working on a new minor 'album', and specifically running away from anything I've done before (Starting off in different keys, using upbeats, different timing, different or unusual 'instruments'). I've made a good start so far, and we'll see where it gets.

Anyway, since I have no new music to present right now, listen instead to this:


Astryl 11 years, 7 months ago

Heh. Thanks for the comments guys.

I'll see if I feel like modifying what I've done. Probably not; you know what it feels like to be staring at something that's way bigger than you, and you don't want to? Yeah. I really prefer lower resolution work. NES/SNES era style. Fits my music :P

Castypher 11 years, 7 months ago

I recently delved into the difficulties of running animations, but I've been very proud of the results. So here's what I did.

First off, start with some sort of reference. Unfortunately I don't have that on me. When you're treading into new territory, never underestimate the value of a reference. I used to be against this as I thought it represented a lack of visualization, but remember that even the best artists had some unattractive lady sit in front of them for days.

I did make a skeletal animation, or in this case an outline:

After that, run in and add clothes and single-shade colors.

And then worry about the details. That's the biggest bitch.

The hair sucks because I don't know how to simulate beautiful flowing wind. And yeah, you'll find other various flaws but to be honest, those are more in the details, which I have little patience for. Any competent animator could take care of all of those in like two minutes (plus I was taking advantage of the fact that it was dark and shaky and you'd never see any given frame for very long).

Basically, you should be able to draw something at any angle or pose, if you can do it once.
You're a LIAR.

I prefer this method, because as stated before, it's extremely difficult to draw from scratch with the full level of detail (I've tried it both ways). If you're going to do that, then at the very least have one layer of detail (no shading or anything), and maybe even discard the outlines, if you're into that sort of thing.

Though, some masochists have claimed to be successful with that method through more advanced tools like GraphicsGale.

Wait, who the fuck unbanned me?

JuurianChi 11 years, 7 months ago

So much in in Kilin's post.

Welcome back, mate.

Rez 11 years, 7 months ago

In the end, I still emerge victorious, because I did not have to animate as much as you guys.

Seriously, fuck animations.

JuurianChi 11 years, 7 months ago

What does that even mean?

"Fuck animations."

At the end of the day all that bone animation systems stuff is total crap if that's what you're referring too.

Rez 11 years, 7 months ago

…what? I just don't like the process of animating.

Castypher 11 years, 7 months ago

It may seem lazy Rez, but I vote that you get a template that you keep across similarly-styled games. It'll save you a lot of work and animation will seem much less daunting.

Rez 11 years, 7 months ago

That does sound super useful. Though honestly, I'm done making games.

Castypher 11 years, 7 months ago

You're just saying that. I mean why would you give up after the success from Carny Death Peddlers?


Wait, I mean–


JuurianChi 11 years, 7 months ago

He is just saying that, it doesn't make logical, economical, or creative sense.

Unless for some WEIRD reason Rez thinks he can't go any further without what's his face helping program stuff.

To which I have to say.

Keep growing.