An announcement

Posted by Astryl on April 2, 2013, 8:12 a.m.

Righto guys. Decided to get this off my chest now, instead of waiting.

I'm relocating most of my written work to here, like Blackhole did.

Why? Because point blank: The kinds of material I want to write don't fit in here.

Now don't take this as a departure blog; I'm not going anywhere. I'll just be posting blogs far less than usual, focusing more on the kinds of blogs you guys are interested in. Like music, or when I actually release a game; things like that.

Anyway, the bulk of the materials that'll be making up my new blog are programming related. So if anybody actually reads the development/programming blogs I write, and want to write more of, I'll be writing them there.

On a completely unrelated note

Team Fortress 2. I tried it. How to best describe it….


Heheh. Even in my first games I was able to keep ahead of the pack, at least.

And that brings me to an interesting question: Does anybody play TF2 here? :P


JuurianChi 11 years, 5 months ago

A bunch of us played Team Fortress 2 a few weeks ago during Teamspeak night.

Personally, I find it detestable that we have to "not" post certain kinds of blogs just because other people act like they don't like them.

I'm not proud of my April Fools 50 comments and can't help but feel like this is a kneejerk reaction to that.

Forgive me if I'm wrong.

Visor 11 years, 5 months ago

I haven't played TF2 myself, too occupied with RE to consider another FPS atm. Also, Juurian, does that really belong here?

Astryl 11 years, 5 months ago

Personally, I just want somewhere with more of a sense of possession and permanence. People can go to my blog, and search my blogs, and know what to expect.

64Digits is still, in my opinion, a better blogging system than Tumblr. But it's better for micro-blogging, not for any kind of informative blogs. Again, purely opinion.

abbeyminor 11 years, 5 months ago

It's way better than tumblr. I left there after coming here, actually. And tumblr consumes your life WAY more than 64d. (Or at least my life.)

I've been on blogger before, but it's not enough of a community for me. There's never enough feedback. Maybe I'm just using it wrong, I don't know.

But good luck in your newest endeavor! I hope the new blog gives you what you need in one.

And Shaq plays tf2. I tried, but it's really laggy on my computer :/

Charlie Carlo 11 years, 5 months ago

I read your programming blogs, and find them interesting. I just don't comment because I can't think of anything to say other than, "What the fuck does this mean?" Which would probably just end up with a lot of stressful explaining of things my brain probably wouldn't actually retain because I have no context for.


I bought it a long ways back (I think it's free now, isn't it?) and played three games before I realized I'm ass at, and entirely bored by competitive multiplayer.

Cesar 11 years, 5 months ago

Kenon and I play competitive TF2 and we're pretty good at it

Hit me up and I'll send you an invite to the Steam group we have

Astryl 11 years, 5 months ago

Yeah, I know a few people do. But regardless, my blogs will be lost to the newer activity. Obviously.

If I'm going to be writing a bunch of potentially interesting/useful information, I'd like it to be easily accessible any number of years from now; and I like the Blogger Archive functionality.

What's more, imagine trying to search for one of my blogs here… either you go to my user page and play the clicking game (Like I did when I wanted to see what my first blog was), or you use the Search. And if you don't know the exact name of the blog… Well. Searching for 'Mega' turns up too many irrelevant results.

EDIT: @RawrSpoon I sent a friend invite.

Toast 11 years, 5 months ago

Unaligned and Sinistrade are the same person


Kamira 11 years, 5 months ago

I don't play much TF2 anymore, I got bored after I broke 200 hours. Add me-Kamira929.

factnfiction101 11 years, 5 months ago

I lost my TF 2 :( I never played it much.