Gearing up and other things

Posted by Astryl on April 11, 2013, 4:17 a.m.

Tomorrow the Google Code Jam begins. And as stated before, I'm starting to panic. Or feel highly nervous.

I'm confident in my code, what I'm not so confident in is my time management :P

My preparations so far involve gathering my tools into once place (And creating easy to remember control codes for them in ControlPad), clearing my desktop of all clutter, and compiling a playlist of good music to work to.

Another Minecraft Mega-build

Not a castle this time.

A huge fortress-like airship. It has four decks (Not counting the forecastle, bridge, and passenger cabins; those are going to be sitting on 'top' of the poop deck. Yes it's called a poop deck. Stop laughing…)

Not in the pictures, but I've added slightly swept wings to the ship that will hold the propellers, and I'm planning out two balloons that will 'hold' it up, as well as a lookout mast. I'm now using Glimmar's Steampunk texture pack, so I can say that it looks great.

Got into this because my grandfather has been building model ships on commission.

Oh, and I bought something

I finally caved and decided to buy Skyrim. To make space for it, I deleted Team Fortress 2; and no, I won't be installing it again. I think I'm sticking to Red Eclipse for my prescribed dosages of competitive multiplayer gaming.

And on that note, I've finished Fallout New Vegas. It was interesting, but I greatly preferred Fallout 3 in terms of setting, story and general 'feel'. New Vegas didn't feel like it took itself seriously enough. I mean seriously, Caesar's Legion? How the hell did a bunch of post-apocalyptic survivors discover enough remaining information about the Roman Empire to impersonate them when in-universe it seems difficult enough for people to find information about the period just before the war? [/rant]

Anyway, enough of that. I'm signing off for now; I probably won't be back for two days, since I'll be busy applying my face to my keyboard.


Eva unit-01 11 years, 5 months ago

That ship hull looks pretty awesome.

Also I agree with FO3 being the best one. New Vegas just lacked the immersion I got from 3 and just– to put it bluntly– wasn't as good as 3.

Felt more like a really big DLC, though it had its moments.

Astryl 11 years, 5 months ago


Felt more like a really big DLC, though it had its moments.
Two words. Ballistic Fist.

EDIT: Just bought LSDJ. Prepare your ears.

colseed 11 years, 5 months ago

Another Minecraft Mega-build

Not a castle this time.

>not a castle


A huge fortress-like airship
oh ok


Astryl 11 years, 5 months ago

The only thing better than a fortress is a flying fortress. Preferably with Anvil Bombing Hatches, TNT cannons, etc.


By the way, this is on the Far render distance… so the fact that the back end of the ship is fading away… yeah.