About to start

Posted by Astryl on April 12, 2013, 5:30 p.m.

The Code Jam starts in less than 30 minutes.

Taking the timezones into account, this means that I'm starting at 1AM (even though the qualifiers run for 25 hours, I'd rather get in at the soonest possible time).

I spent my preparation time trying to get some sleep; I fever dreamed about code, reasons not to try use C++11 features, file IO techniques and a bunch of other nasty things that wouldn't leave my tired mind alone. Net rest: 5%.

After that, I woke up, had some coffee at midnight, and ate some home-made apple pie that my grandmother had left for me. This is not strange at all…


It's strange to actually have completed a game download from Steam on the same day I bought the game.

Anyway, I started playing it (I decided to leave the Legendary difficulty for now). I'm marginally impressed by the world they managed to build. Also, I'm snickering at all the Fallout leftovers. Like the lockpicking minigame; it's a dead ringer for Fallout's lockpicking minigame.

Anyway, I'm the Thane of somewhere or other, some old farts up on a mountain rudely yelled at me, and I killed a dragon… oh, and shouting at people makes them mad. :P


JID 11 years, 5 months ago

I should probably learn a little C++ one day. Would be useful. :/

It took me a while to get through Skyrim's main quests. Mainly because I just went on an exploration spree as soon as the game let me do what I wanted. I dunno, I seem to treat open world games more as exploration games more than anything. I'm rarely tempted to blow the story.

Charlie Carlo 11 years, 5 months ago

I'm snickering at all the Fallout leftovers.
The engine still keeps track of VATS to-hit chance.

JuurianChi 11 years, 5 months ago

I'm rarely tempted to blow the story.
Bow chika wow wow.

JID 11 years, 5 months ago


totally meant to write "blow through the story". :P

Astryl 11 years, 5 months ago

Ugh. My head hurts


I'm about done. I only managed to solve one problem out of four. That still netted me enough points to advance… but yeah, I don't hold much for my chances in this. Imma stick to good old easy game engine development and leave the abstract mathematical/algorithmic bullshit to bald guys in lab coats.

Unaligned 11 years, 5 months ago

I felt conflicted when playing skyrim. On one hand I wanted to go through all the quests getting the most out of the game and on the other I wanted to say fuck it due to the repetitive, grindy and forgettable dungeons the game had to offer.

I ended up going for the second option. If they'd implemented swordplay akin to Chivalry or Dark Souls it would've been a whole other story.

Astryl 11 years, 5 months ago

Well, after I upped my Dual-Wield speed, I'm slicing and dicing like crazy.

Of course, I've never played a game with good swordplay, so I can't complain. Dark Souls is next on my list.