Mega's Comp Progress Blog

Posted by Astryl on Sept. 14, 2013, 3:28 p.m.

Well, I'm down for this, even though I was so sure I wasn't going to be competing this time round.

As usual, in a fit of madness, I came up with two ideas. I have absolutely no inkling as to which one, if either, will be complete by the end of this, but it's the attempt that counts.

First up…

Darkness - Platformer

Decided to make a Castlevania clone. Spent a day or two studying sprites from the old NES/SNES CV games, animation styles, palettes, etc.

Have this so far:

I'm using the NTSC NES palette (Basically, limiting my palette to the color range the NTSC machines had available, and limiting each 8x8 tile to a palette selection like the original machine did), and am generally trying to make an original take on the NES games, with a few features from the SNES ones (No multi-directional whipping, if anybody cares).

My brother noted yesterday while I was playing CV3 for inspiration, that I beat Konami's walking animation for that game (Trevor's shoulder keeps 'popping' forward while walking and when walking up stairs in a really weird way that I can't unsee now).

Anyway, this is my first bet. Straight up platformer. Typical me.

Lightbound 2

The last time I entered S4D, and actually finished a game, it was Lightbound.

Looking back at it, it was a good idea, but I chose a poor environment to execute it in.

Now that I have an engine to work with that knows what light is (More or less), I feel a new version of Lightbound is called for.

No screenshots of it yet though, since I'm still working on getting my shaders right after Abyss.

Other stuff

It's been a while since I've blogged…

Yesterday, I finished the final Homework assignment on an EdX course I was taking: Software as a Service (A software engineering course with web development as a carrier).

It was a two parter (The first part being the 'intro', basically). The head-count in the physical lecture hall and online chatroom decreased dramatically about halfway through part two, so I'm glad I stuck it out.

Got a certificate for the first part so far:

The course itself, as a whole, was very interesting. I now absolutely love Ruby as a scripting language (PHP can go back and join my list of Irrationally Loathed Programming Languages until I need it again).

I've also now had a lot of hands on experience with Rails, and finally figured all the MVC crap out (And know why it's useful, in specific situations).

And one thing that stood out for me, and made me think of this site and V4, was the concept of Agile development.

I seriously think that more of the devs would maintain interest in upgrading the site if it was done in pieces instead of as a huge monolithic monster to slay.

Of course, modifying the site in-place right now would be a monster in and of itself…

Anyway, good luck to everyone for the comp. Dunno if I'll finish either of my games, but I'm not too worried; I'll at least have some fun working on 'em.

EDIT: Oh, and this:

EDIT2: Somehow derped the second YT link I wanted to post, and I don't know how.

StarMade Trailer

Very excited for what this could become.


Astryl 11 years, 5 months ago

I've still been here… I've just had a dearth of blog posts. :P

Guess Lurker's syndrome struck.

JuurianChi 11 years, 5 months ago

Quote: Starmade

Starmade is a 3D space sandbox shooter that's not unlike Minecraft.

Lost sale.

The first Lightbound was kinda fun. Your Castlevania Clone seems more interesting though.

death 11 years, 5 months ago

can't wait to see Lightbound 2. i want to see some more 3D horror/adventure games be made in this comp. Nice work on the stairs in that CV game too. For some reason, last time i tried to implement that it turned out to be a disaster. that was a long time ago though, i could probably do a bit better now xD

Astryl 11 years, 5 months ago

The stairs were quite easy to figure out this time round. When you press up/down to start climbing the stairs, a state variable called stairs is set to a number (1 or 2, depending on whether the stairs are left facing or right facing).

Then, in the control script, it exits the script if stairs is > 0, and the stair climbing script handles things itself.

Lightbound is going to be a really interesting project, technically speaking. There's a lot of very nice effects I can pull off with shaders that, prior to now, I've been unable to do.

Starmade is a 3D space sandbox shooter that's not unlike Minecraft.
Well… would you rather this was worded "Starmade is a 3D space sandbox shooter that's unlike Minecraft."

It's definitely pulled the same basic idea, with the basic cubes as construction material, but… It's more like X3 than Minecraft. X3 the way it should be (A more changeable universe).

You can play the Alpha for free, I've been trying it out today.

Quietus 11 years, 5 months ago

wow…. i keep looking at that degree and thinking "one day i'm going to wish i had one of those."

people would always mention online schooling to me and i'd brush it off, cause i'd say "i miss being in a classroom." but it's like no i don't, irl classes suck and i'm over-romantizing them. <_< one day i'm gonna wish i had something professional in my portfolio rather than "oh i make terrible indie games and music that no one understands."