
Posted by Astryl on Sept. 23, 2013, 12:50 p.m.

So, Valve dropped this today:

I'm actually intrigued by the idea; if games are able to run as close to the metal as possible, with specifically designed drivers and interfaces, it could be interesting in terms of performance.

Also, of course, I'm going to see how to go about developing for this when it comes out; good excuse to replace my Ubuntu partition, since my new graphics card screwed it up.

Anyway, there's two more announcements coming up. I guess "Steam Box" and "Steam Pad".


Astryl 11 years, 4 months ago

Little bit of really minor necromancy here, but:

Anyway, there's two more announcements coming up. I guess "Steam Box" and "Steam Pad".

Nailed it.

JuurianChi 11 years, 4 months ago

It was pretty obvious.

Astryl 11 years, 4 months ago

In retrospect.

Too many people thought that the third announcement would be a certain game series' third installment, or potentially the release of the sharing system (Since the symbol on the third panel was ).

Of course, it was all a wild guess on my part anyway.