Lightbound progress video

Posted by Astryl on Sept. 28, 2013, 5:36 a.m.

I suddenly regained all motivation to work on my game, specifically on Lightbound, and have made what I feel is major progress.

A word before I post the video.

This engine is my longest running project. I started work on it around March last year, and have been improving it, expanding it, and burning parts of it with holy fire at times.

I created Exile with it, and I've at least prototyped two other projects with it.

So first, here's a video so you can see how it was, in case you've forgotten:

And here's what I have now:

I'm using some free textures to test the engine out, though I intend to create my own for Lightbound, since it's my way.

There is now bump mapping, per-pixel lighting and gamepad support.

Enemies and entities… I'll probably be drawing them if I can't get around to modeling them (And remaking my model loaders and VBO model rendering code, as well as getting around to animating whatever models I load).

Oh, and I finally fixed that see-through-walls bug that's been around since Exile. It was a stupid mistake. I'll post a bit from my plan file:

27/09/2013 - 10:31 PM
Small plan entry here. Fixed a bug that's been in the engine since Exile.
Namely, the ability to plant your eyes on the walls and see through them.
For a long time I thought it was my collision code being stupid...
Turns out it was just me.
Here's the offending piece of code:
	gluPerspective(70.0F, iwidth/iheight ,0.1F,1000.0F);

This function sets a perspective view up, and it's the third parameter that
caused my trouble. It defines the near plane, or basically: How close
geometry has to be to the camera to be considered 'outside the view plane'.
Now, 0.1 sounds like a small number, and in the first engine tests I did with
Exile, it -was-. Exile used 16 GL units per block. But I changed that eventually
to make collision easier (Since it's grid based).
So in the original game, in Abyss, and now in Lightbound, the block size is
1.0. And 0.1 is a whole tenth of a block. 

Anyway, changed that to 0.01F, and spent a few minutes scraping my eyes
along the walls of my test map. Not a problem in sight.

Also, I had a huge "derp" moment when I thought of this... 

 # Removed that 'see through walls' bug that has plagued me for over a year...

Well, back to work…


Cesque 11 years, 4 months ago

The view bobs so much I expected the PC to hit his head on a ceiling at 0:58.

And yeah, I'd rather see a version with your/pixellated textures :)

Astryl 11 years, 4 months ago

The dark room in the video (Where I turned the player light on) is using a texture I made yesterday. It's also in the video thumbnail.

And yeah, I need to tweak the bob a bit. A lot.

Astryl 11 years, 4 months ago

Switched over to Unity, because I realized yesterday while contemplating model animation and basic physics for collision (Via lib3ds and Bullet, respectively), that I'm essentially making Unity without all the useful tools and stuff.


Cesque 11 years, 4 months ago

Switched over to Unity

Noooooooooo :(

JuurianChi 11 years, 4 months ago

Switched over to Unity

Cool Cool Cool B)

Cesque 11 years, 4 months ago

No it's not >:(

You have a brilliant engine right now, Mega - very functional but also "classic".

Switching to Unity will instantly turn your project into a… you know… Unity project. With Unity-esque camera movement, Unity-esque rendering and Unity-esque everything else that just screams "UNITY" louder than the Unity settings window at every startup.

JuurianChi 11 years, 4 months ago

That assumption is pretty unfair to both Mega's programming ability and Unity 3D's developers.

death 11 years, 4 months ago

The textures on the wall are stretched instead of being tiled, unless that was your intention, it looks pretty odd though. Other than that, it's looking loads better. The lighting looks great, especially at a distance when walking towards that other room.

Also i'm with Cesque on this, i think you should continue work on your engine. I'm not saying you shouldn't try Unity and see if it works for this project, but i do hope you continue work on your engine, even if it's after the comp.

Astryl 11 years, 4 months ago

I'm always working on my engine; pet project and all that.

Maybe "switched to Unity" isn't the right wording to use. I'm still caught in between using it and my own engine. So we'll see. If the game starts with a big fat "Made in Unity" screen, you'll know.

I'd love to finish my game in my own engine… So I'll at least try.

@Cesque: Yeah, I dislike how much control I don't have over the rendering pipeline. Obviously, in the Pro versions that isn't as much of a problem (Everything is far more open), but yeah.

The default forward lighting pass makes everything look like every other Unity game, and the only other option, Vertex Lighting, is a step backwards from what I have in my engine.

@death: I spotted those after the watching the video myself. You tend to notice more when you're not in the drivers seat.

It's a fault in the function I'm using to calculate texture height based on the difference between floor height and ceiling height.

Astryl 11 years, 4 months ago

Test animation (Designed to ping-pong, not loop like this). This is what I'm going to plug into my engine.