Game Maker Studio: Standard, free upgrade

Posted by Astryl on Nov. 26, 2013, 4:09 a.m.

Thanks to RC for pointing this out to me.

YoYo Games has decided to allow GM:S Free users to upgrade to Standard for… free.

To do this, install that standalone version of GM:S Free (The Steam version will not work), then choose the Beta Update channel and let it update.

Don't choose a license yet (If you've already chosen the Free license beforehand, just delete the C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Game Maker Studio folder to reset it, and reinstall).

After the update, the launcher screen will provide you with three license choices. Free, for Free. Standard, for Free, or the upgrade to Professional (For not-so-free).

Doing this upgrade also shaves $50 off any future upgrade to Professional.

Why is YYG doing this? It's kinda obvious. Unity comes along and starts providing 2D functionality out of the box, allows all sorts of exports to various platforms for free, and is generally doing a better job of providing tools to hobbyist game developers.

Took 'em long enough to figure out that their gypped 'Free' version was unusable.

Anyway, enjoy everybody.


Toast 11 years, 2 months ago

Thanks for the heads up. Unfortunately for them it's too late; off to Unity I go, but at least I have Game Maker on my computer again.

Astryl 11 years, 2 months ago

Heh. Just realized I haven't even tried Unity 4.3 yet.

Though from what I've seen, it doesn't seem as well suited to tile-based games with low-res pixel art as much as it's designed to be an Angry-Birds-Clone-Factory.

Unaligned 11 years, 2 months ago

Might actually give studio a shot now. Thanks for the info.

Pirate-rob 11 years, 2 months ago

So in theory, this free licence should work forever?

& Thanks!

Edit: I can't seem to find out how to choose the beta channel?

Double Edit: O.O Ok, so just for fun, I put my license key for gm 8 into GM:S and it worked and I got GM:S professional… YES!

Astryl 11 years, 2 months ago

Double Edit: O.O Ok, so just for fun, I put my license key for gm 8 into GM:S and it worked and I got GM:S professional… YES!
Actually, that doesn't really work. It's a bit of a glitch. It'll show "Professional" in the title bar, but if you try to use any of the Professional/Standard functionality, it won't let you.

JuurianChi 11 years, 2 months ago

:already has Master Collectithon whata whosits:

:Downloads Anyway:


Pirate-rob 11 years, 2 months ago

Shoot seriously? I really had my hopes up T.T

Well in that case, how do I make it update from the beta channel?

Castypher 11 years, 2 months ago

Awesome. Now have them make their "super awesome $300 compiler" free. If they can do that, GM:S will be good in my eyes, once again. But sadly, what you said about Unity is true, and I'll probably just stick with what I've got.

(though the $1500 price tag, yeeeeesh)

Astryl 11 years, 2 months ago

Shoot seriously? I really had my hopes up T.T

Well in that case, how do I make it update from the beta channel?
Well, you'll first have to reset your license by deleting the Game Maker Studio folder in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local (Not Roaming), then run the installer again.

Once it's installed, the little YoYoGames icon in the system tray will appear when you run GM:S. Right click on it and select Beta Update Channel, then click on Check for Updates if you have to. Close GM:S while the update is in progress.

When it restarts, you'll get the selection screen.

Toast 11 years, 2 months ago

Though from what I've seen, it doesn't seem as well suited to tile-based games with low-res pixel art as much as it's designed to be an Angry-Birds-Clone-Factory.
So long as there are sprites made of pixels which move in terms of pixels me and Unity should get along fine. If I enter frost four digits I'm definitely going to check it out.