A little blog

Posted by Astryl on Feb. 19, 2014, 4:57 a.m.

Just decided to write a little blog about a few different things; I've been very busy recently so I haven't got much news on the development front, but I have other things to write about too. :P

Well, I did do a bit of animation work; I wanted to create a simple 16x16 character that had two movement animations (Walking and Running), as well as two jumping animations (For the ascent and descent), and the result was pretty decent:

Besides that, I have some billboard code to write/rewrite for Exile.


By night I'm a programmer/procrastinator, by day I'm a computer repairman. And business has been picking up recently.

I've now got a deal with one of the computer stores in town that does repairs whereby they will hand all callout jobs to me, and all I do in return is get all parts from them if the job requires new parts.

And then there's another deal I have with a small office in town; I'm basically their go-to guy for support, repair work or consultation. So things are shaping up.

I basically decided earlier this year that I'm not going to focus on 'making money' from my games, programming, art or music. Instead, I'm going to let the repair and support work be the 'work', and let my hobbies remain hobbies.

If I ever happen to make a little money off my games, or music, I'll consider it a nice side-effect of me doing what I enjoy doing; the second I turn it into a 'job', it becomes something I loathe. So no more of that. :P

And the other work

I'm still taking EdX courses like crazy; the one I'm working through at the moment is CS50x by Harvard, which is basically an introductory Computer Science course that uses C as the primary language, and touches on some interesting and practical subjects (Cryptography, Steganography and Compression being of particular interest to me), and I'm hoping they bring CS61 (The advanced programming with assembly and such) to the EdX platform later this year.

I'm also auditing a course called "Paradigms in Programming", and another called "Effective thinking with mathematics". Really interesting material so far.

Oh, and as a bonus for being a part of the CS50 course, I got a free 5GB extension for Dropbox about halfway through week 4 :3


I really haven't been sitting down and playing that many games recently, even during my free time. No wonder I was feeling stressed as heck over the past two weeks.

The Minecraft game on the weekend was the first time I have just relaxed a bit. I decided afterwards that is important to take a bit of time for relaxation every day instead of just working on my projects during my whole waking life.

Anyway, Dark Souls. I've been slacking off. Picked it up again last night and progressed my offline profile to where I was with my online profile. Why do I have an offline profile? Because I was getting really tired of being invaded and just wanted to progress a bit.

On that note, I have a huge list of games I still have to finish. Here are some I'm particularly interested in finishing/playing (Again, in some cases):

- Dungeons of Dredmor

- Skyrim (Doing a modded Hard run)

- Fallout 3 (Very Hard run)

- Fallout New Vegas (Hardcore mode and Medium run)

- Half Life 2 Episode 2 (I'm damned slow, aren't I? :P)

- La Mulana (Remake; practically finished the original)

- Magicka (Need to get my brother back to help finish it. Co-op is fun :P)

- Metro 2033

- Sonic and All Stars Racing Transformed

- Star Wars Jedi Knight II (Want to do a hard play)


- Minecraft. I still need to finish my fortress of doom in SSP, and at least build one]

machine on the server…

Also, I just bought Humble Bundle 11. Got Dust: An Elysian Tale, Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams, Guacamalee and The Swapper. They all look interesting, though specifically the first one and the last two. Giana Sisters looks a bit bland gameplay-wise, but the others look like interesting combat orientated Metroidvania style platformers.

EDIT: Was just killed by the elevator from the Cathedral back to the Firelink Shrine…

I only realized after I got on that the DSFix readme said something about physics and elevators and death…


colseed 11 years ago

Dust: An Elysian Tale

The Swapper

I should probably finish Metro 2033 as well, except the last time I played, I was stuck right before the (Fascists?) surface mission with one minute of filters left. (Apparently you're supposed to stock up on filters early on in the game, but the game doesn't exactly tell you that you can't buy any of them once you leave the one underground town area that sells them.)

also, dat mecha cloud

Astryl 11 years ago

Yeah, that's the same place I got stuck at last time. There were a couple of filters you could pick up throughout the level, but getting to them took too much time (fighting off waves of enemies doesn't help either).