Simple things

Posted by Astryl on March 24, 2014, 5:59 p.m.

So a couple of days ago I was playing a ridiculously simple but terribly addictive little game that has been filling the gaps in my time recently, especially when I'm not in the mood for playing 'bigger' games.

And I started thinking, "I wonder if this can be improved upon". I grabbed some paper and started sketching down a few ideas. Different gameplay modes, challenges, puzzles, etc.

I sat thinking for a while about what set of tools would be best for this little project, and decided that Unity was a good choice.

Two days and a lot of swearing consulting the manual pages later, I managed to build a very limited prototype:

This isn't what I want the game to look like; I'm aiming for a 3D style game board with some hand-drawn textures, a saturated toon shader, etc. Decided to see how far I could go with it.

Having a ton of trouble with Unity though; the coordinate system, and the way they set up the camera, frustrates me. I'm used to working in a simple Right Handed System where I've mapped the 'space', and it's easily manageable.

So yeah. The 'simple' game project I was going to pull off over the weekend has turned into a looming reminder that I need to find some learning material for Unity at some point.

Besides the default Unity resources, I'm also using the videos that these guys have put up, even though they work in JavaScript. Not that it bothers me; I know enough of both JavaScript and C# to work interchangeably between the two.

Anyway… putting my 2048 clone on hold for now. I've got a competition to prepare for. :P

Other things

No new music; haven't spent much time composing since I haven't really felt inspired recently to make anything new; I'll probably be cured of that once I need some music for my competition game.

On the art front, I drew up my avatar the other day. Based on a character I have filed away for a type of post-apocalyptic setting I was thinking of a while back; robot's name is Decay, and in the setting I had in mind, was a last piece of machinery stalking the main protagonist. Note that I'm intentionally not calling this a game idea; I was actually thinking more along the lines of writing a book eventually based on this world of mine.

And then there's my banner. I made two very low-res bitmap fonts, one that uses single pixels in various combinations to make 'glyphs', and the other one a standard alphabet. And then I created a few scripts in GMS to get the effect you see up there.

Otherwise… I've been feeling a bit depressed. No repair work for nearly a solid month, and it's somewhat stressful; as a result of that, I've been applying for jobs left, right and center. Haven't received any responses to my applications yet, but I'll keep hoping.

Until then, I'll be working on the competition. I fully intend to win, or come as close as possible to winning; no point entering if I'm not aiming for the top :P

Well that's enough out of me. I've got to prep for the competition :3

EDIT: Hi-Score in 2048 is 9648.


Visor 10 years, 6 months ago

Heheh. I'm also using Unity at the moment (for a course project). It's a nifty tool :D Oh, and on the music front; haven't written anything for awhile myself.

You're very talented. I'm sure someone will respond to your CV eventually.

Oh, and might I suggest:

Astryl 10 years, 6 months ago

Yeah, I've looked through the IndieDB job listings before, but… I'm not really going for distance work, and most of the people there who want somebody permanent and on-location won't be able to pay for relocation, unlike some of the companies I've applied to (Unity being one of them).

Frankly, at this point, I'm not so much aiming for game development as a career, just programming in general. So I applied to a variety of jobs, including ones involving web development (Both front-end and back-end), embedded systems development, security, general application development, and even a position as a repairman within a company.

I decided that not having job security was worse than even a boring corporate programming job; and even if I have to work on the more mundane programming tasks, I'll still have time for my hobbies :P

LAR Games 10 years, 6 months ago

Just played it. Pretty fun. Highest score was 2824.

mazimadu 10 years, 6 months ago

I am not sure what approach you are aiming for, but have you considered faking the 3D in a 2D program. There is a Flash game I used to play back in the day called 3D logic. It is actually 2D but fakes the first 3 Planes of a cube to great effect.

Astryl 10 years, 6 months ago

There's not really any point to faking 3D these days; even Flash has OpenGL ES support.

In the end, my choice boils down to workflow. And I'm figuring out how to bend Unity's workflow to my own preferences :P

Castypher 10 years, 6 months ago

You applied to Unity? Damn, I'm surprised. I've considered doing the same but frankly I like using their software, not coding it.

Unity's workflow takes some time to adjust to, yeah, but once you get used to it, you can actually customize parts of the editor to your liking. Have you seen the editor-driven plugins on the asset store? Things like using node-based pathfinding without using gameobjects, or maybe a refined particle system that uses something similar to Mecanim's state machine editor. I've been looking into things like that myself, and Unity actually gives you quite a bit of power over how you develop your game.

For 2D games though, I'm really not sure. I used Unity2D for a while and I really don't like it that much.

Astryl 10 years, 6 months ago

I made that one editor extension a while back that allows you to work with tilemaps, something that Unity2D doesn't actually have support for; it's really easy to extend the editor to add functionality in where it's lacking.