Mega's Competition Dev Log #2

Posted by Astryl on April 4, 2014, 5:16 p.m.

I've been disconnected from the net since early this morning… or was it yesterday? Can't remember.

Either way, when that kind of thing happens, I get stuff done. And things get stuffed up too.

I added two weapons to the game. The first is one that I wanted to add in Exile, but was too afraid to attempt to draw back then:

So yeah. Crossbow. Yay.

And then there's the gauntlet I'm working on:

This is going to double as both a fallback melee weapon and the primary spellcasting tool.

On the topic of stuffing things up, I kinda screwed up a part of my editor; the bit that allows me to change the height of floors/ceilings in 3D mode. I had a buggy bit of raycast code that was testing where the camera was pointing, and decided to replace it with a simple two-pass color based test.

Works (in a broken kinda way) like this:

- Render visible scene in solid colors. Each unique object to be considered gets

a unique color corresponding to its location on the screen.

- Get pixel from mouse location (Or crosshair location in this case)

- Use color data to determine what was selected and where it is.

And this works. Perfectly. I can get the exact x and y coordinates of the tile I'm pointing at with pixel precision. So I happily go and replace the raycast test with the results from this? My editor does something funky to the coordinates and decided that no, I'm pointing at the square at a 45 degree angle to the right and slightly away from me, if I'm lucky.

Probably a rounding error, but I'm too tired right now to track it down.

Well, enough of that.

Dark Souls

Still playing. Still dying. Just dying a bit less frequently now.

Faced the boss of the Depths, and nearly defeated it on the first try. So close.

And I've now gotten to the point where I have a large number of places I can go, but I have no idea where I should go. In most of the new locations I discover, I peek around a corner and see something nasty and just Nope it back to Firelink shrine.

Well, that's all for now. I'll post more progress as I have more to show.


LAR Games 10 years, 10 months ago

Once you beat the Gaping Dragon, you'll know where you should be going. :D

I love the freaking cut-scene. lol

"Ooh. An alligator boss, I've never seen anything like that befo… OH MY GOD!"

Astryl 10 years, 10 months ago

Yeah, those were my thoughts exactly. Well, time to stock up on crossbow bolts I guess :P

LAR Games 10 years, 10 months ago

I'd suggest going melee here(Or whatever your character is good at). He's muuuuch easier than you think, and using a crossbow takes way too long, in my opinion.

Acid 10 years, 10 months ago


Keep it up, man!

It's ironic what you say about the crossbow because it looks REALLY good.

Astryl 10 years, 10 months ago

Thanks Acid :P


Could try that. Bit difficult getting out after an attack though; my character isn't focused around DEX, more VIT and END. I'm going to try it again a bit later.

Toast 10 years, 10 months ago

Make him a cliche angry action dude with generic voiceovers who occasionally quips misogynistic one-liners. Give him a cliche angry action dude name like Lars Shitfucker

Astryl 10 years, 10 months ago

"Lars Shitfucker 3D: Megaton edition". Genius.

EDIT: On the subject of my game, some of my 3D edit code is still FUBAR. I've decided to just run with it and create levels without height variation; any level is better than no level, and I can still add a decent level of detail.

Astryl 10 years, 10 months ago

Just got really tired of my level format… again. Am attempting to implement a sector based system, with an editor similar to Doom's.

EDIT: NOPE. Workload will be too high. I'll just have to make do with my infuriating grid based system; it's easier to write quick-and-dirty code for.

death 10 years, 10 months ago

lol that was quick :P

you already knew making an editor like that would take too long, i guess you just need to be reminded again? I think what you got going is good enough for a comp entry anyway. Gauntlets are looking pretty cool, only a bit murky looking with the coloring though, i prefer sharp crisp colors myself.

Astryl 10 years, 10 months ago

Sometimes I need to remind myself. It looks like an easy enough system to implement, and it is, if I didn't have to take into account the rest of the engine. :P

Just went with an easier system for modifying the values of tiles, based on selection. You can drag out an area to modify, then use various keys on the keyboard to change specific data.